Thursday, January 24, 2013


by Andrea Marcusa

Image source: Mansfield News Journal

The most pointless thing of all was how he wasn’t allowed to have his name stitched on his school knapsack – strangers can steal a child that way.  So were those vaccinations against diphtheria, meningitis, polio and the morning vitamin he hated – a chewable pink bear.  Or that car seat he was made to sit in on rides to school, even though most of his friends no longer had to use one, so futile. But there was something about his name – he’d taught himself to write it all by himself when he was two. Wanted everyone to use his full name. Not a nickname, not a shortened version. A good strong one for a boy.  Greek, after an apostle, after a king, and his grandfather in Alaska.  But that morning in the classroom with them all scattered around--there was no way to tell--no trace of it anywhere on him. But inside the neck of his too big, long-sleeved striped jersey, a strange, gloved hand peeled back the collar where he was found limp and face down, and that’s when they spotted it -- in black markered script. Dear child, in those first minutes, even your name was gone, displaced by the one on a hand-me-down from your brother, now a fourth grader in a classroom on the other end of the school, where he was crouched trembling, hiding in the closet.

Andrea Marcusa's  work has appeared in The New York Times, The Christian Science Monitor, The Ontario Review, The Antigonish Review, Copper Nickel, NewSouth, and other publications. Her work appeared in the essay collection, In the Fullness of Time (Simon and Schuster). She was a finalist in the Ontario Review’s 2007 fiction competition and winner of the Antigonish Review 2008 Fiction competition. She divides her time between literary writing and working in the areas of health care and sustainable agriculture.  She lives in New York City with her husband, two sons and pet cockatiel, Turko.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Research Indicates Parents Are Questioning The Efficacy of Vaccination

Parents are finally waking up and questioning the efficacy of acidic vaccinations...and the injection of animal DNA, acidic chemicals and known carcinogens into their children. Now the CDC has NO EXCUSE for not doing the vax vs. nonvax study. There are plenty unvaccinated kids out there to finally do a health assessment on!

About half of US kids younger than 2 years old do not receive all vaccines as recommended by a federal schedule, according to a study yesterday in JAMA Pediatrics. Of 323,247 children born from 2004 to 2008, Kaiser Permanente researchers found that 157,454 (48.7%) missed their scheduled childhood vaccines by at least a day, and one in eight of those kids' parents intentionally strayed from the schedule recommended by the US Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices."

JAMA Network | JAMA Pediatrics | A Population-Based Cohort Study of Undervaccination in 8 Managed Ca,

Objectives: To examine patterns and trends of undervaccination in children aged 2 to 24 months and to compare health care utilization rates between undervaccinated and age-appropriately vaccinated children.

Results:  Of 323 247 children born between 2004 and 2008, 48.7% were  for at least 1 day before age 24 months. The prevalence of undervaccination and specific patterns of undervaccination increased over time (P < .001). In a matched cohort analysis, undervaccinated children had lower outpatient visit rates compared with children who were age-appropriately vaccinated (incidence rate ratio [IRR], 0.89; 95% CI, 0.89- 0.90). In contrast, undervaccinated children had increased inpatient admission rates compared with age-appropriately vaccinated children (IRR, 1.21; 95% CI, 1.18-1.23). In a second matched cohort analysis, children who were undervaccinated because of parental choice had lower rates of outpatient visits (IRR, 0.94; 95% CI, 0.93-0.95) and emergency department encounters (IRR, 0.91; 95% CI, 0.88-0.94) than age-appropriately vaccinated children.

Conclusions:  Undervaccination appears to be an increasing trend. Undervaccinated children appear to have different health care utilization patterns compared with age-appropriately vaccinated children.

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The pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet Saved My Life!

"1 year ago today I finished reading Dr. Robert Young's Ph Miracle book and began my new life on an alkaline diet. Today I am completely off all my medications, have not had any digestive issues to speak of and feel better than I have felt in many, many years. I would strongly encourage anyone facing any medical issues to give this way of life a try - it has saved my life!"


Poem by Charles Frederickson
Graphic by Saknarin Chinayote

For Palestinians, Israeli elections signal deepening occupation --Haaretz, January 21, 2013

Emptiness echo full of itself
Reverberating eardrum downbeat tambour percussion
Vainglorious ambitions disconnected unanswered prayers
Orchestrated symphony forever left unfinished

Terra not so firma quaking
Earth reopened bottomless sinkhole aftershocks
Natural depression hollow subway passages
Ants streaming through clogged arteries

Shorn sheep led to slaughter
Tough tasteless mutton gyros grilled
Axis rotating in wrong direction
Anti-clockwise alarm no turning back

Unholy land-grab borderless uncivil war
Black white gray distinctions obliterated
Singed hawk feathers decalcified plumes
Phoenix smoldering in spitfire embers

Fearless hate-mongers playing for keeps
Recycled unsettled grievances sold out
Unruly mob committing unjustifiable offences
Numbed conscience bleeding cardinal sins

Mauve dusk undermining tomorrow’s dawn
After dark luminous eclipsed aura
Overshadowed neon deep purple afterglow
Nocturnal rhapsody evocative fallen stars

 No Holds Bard Dr. Charles Frederickson and Mr. Saknarin Chinayote proudly present YouTube mini-movies @ YouTube – CharlesThai1 .

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


by Tricia Knoll

Image source: I love it when I wake up in the morning and Barack Obama is President.

For regular women like me
it’s possible to set an alarm
on any computer to remind
what day is most likely
what day is a bit late
what date is too late

Counting, getting to plus five
and no blood; we have been there,
regulars and irregulars
keeping silences

the want to be mothers
the can’t be mothers
the victims of others

the girl I knew
had to go to Mexico
and came back bloodied
sick and sterile
rocking in a chair
with her teddy bear

that was a long time ago
and women keep on counting

Tricia Knoll was a young woman before Roe v. Wade. She saw first hand the disintegration of a wonderful woman from a butchered abortion. Tricia Knoll is a Portland, Oregon poet.

Monday, January 21, 2013


by David Feela

Image source: campusghanta

It’s not so difficult to believe Manti Te'o.
For the last four years I thought Congress
might come to a meaningful bipartisan
decision, but I was duped.  I trusted

the banks with my home, the stock market
with my retirement, the doctors and
insurance companies with my health,
but I presumed too much.  I was so sure

that terrorists lived abroad, were denied
access to our theaters, malls, and schools. 
Of course I’m gullible, but there’s so much
I want to believe, even if I can’t see it.

Talk to me with a tender voice, tell me
the next four years will be better.

David Feela writes a monthly column for The Four Corners Free Press and for The Durango Telegraph. A poetry chapbook, Thought Experiments, won the Southwest Poet Series. His first full length poetry book, The Home Atlas appeared in 2009. His new book of essays, How Delicate These Arches  , released through Raven's Eye Press, has been chosen as a finalist for the Colorado Book Award.

Become a pH Miracle Coach!

Here is your golden opportunity to become a Certified pH Miracle Coach! This program is a 3 week course with conference calls, power point presentations and video conferencing when needed. Dr. Robert O. Young and Shelley Redford Young will be teaching a segment of this course, along with Co-Directors of our Coaching Division; Dawn Kali and Caroline Robitaille. Once you have completed this course there will be follow up support with further education and help with expanding your business.

The course will run from February 18, 2013 through March 7, 2013.

The pH Miracle® Center is in need of pH Miracle® Coaches that will agree to teach 100% Dr. Robert O. Young and Shelley Redford Young's teachings. They've spent the last 30 years researching and developing this protocol and now we need your help to spread this around the world. If you want to be a part of the pH Miracle® Coaching Program and you can commit to teaching their protocol—without exception—then this course is for you.

For more details please contact or

- The pH Miracle Institute / Enrollment Staff
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