Thursday, November 29, 2012


by Janice D. Soderling

Madrid Homeless from The Sketchbook Blog of Louis Netter

If the 44m people who are unemployed in the mainly rich members of the OECD lived in one country, its population would be similar to Spain's– The Economist

Rain trickles down the pane
in unpredictable paths.
A flyspeck, a chance gust
can alter water's course.

In the cold glare of a department store window,
a coughing man beds down on the sidewalk,
inside a black garbage bag. Only eleven pm
and already November. I think of socialism
as a bird, or a tree; as upward motion, dignity.
It is not a coin tossed grandly in a cup.
Some define it as a moral choice,
a plan for upholding civilization.
Others simply call it fair play.

Janice D. Soderling is a previous contributor to The New Verse News. Recent work at Kin, Prose Poem Project, Origami Poem Project, Innisfree Poetry Journal, Thrice Fiction and forthcoming at American Arts Quarterly, Literary Bohemian, Boston Literary Magazine and Penduline Press. In October 2012, she was featured reader at the Rattle Reading Series (La Cañada/Greater Los Angeles), and special guest at First Wednesday Formal Reading Series (Oakland/Greater San Francisco).

Blood Micrograph of Cancerous Blood

The following pHase Contrast Micrograph is the blood of a patient with multiple cancerous tumors.  Note that the red blood cells have white spots which is a characteristic of degenerating/fermenting red blood cells.  Also the symplasts of yeast and bacteria thoughout the blood plasma.

Big Pharma Drugs - Do They Heal or Do They Kill?

''''The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest her or his patients in the care of the human frame, in a proper diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease'''.
Thomas A. Edison
US inventor (1847 - 1931)  

Story at-a-glance

  • One American dies every 19 minutes from an accidental prescription drug overdose, a phenomenon now being described as “the biggest man-made e
  • Americans consume 80 percent of the pain pills in the world, and once they start, they set off a cascade of reactions in the body that make it difficult to stop taking them
  • One of the most commonly abused drug classes are painkillers (opioids) like morphine, codeine, oxycodone, hydrocodone and fentanyl. These drugs are not only addictive, they can lead to slowed breathing and death if too much is taken, and the risks are compounded if you add alcohol to the equation
  • epidemic in the United States”
  • It’s not only painkillers that are the problem; 75 percent of patients taking Plavix or Effient, two common blood-thinning drugs, may be receiving the wrong doses, new research found, which would put them at risk of uncontrolled bleeding or blood clots
November 28, 2012
by Dr. Mercola
Deaths from prescription drug overdoses have been called the “silent epidemic” for years, and now, with one American dying every 19 minutes from an accidental prescription drug overdose,1 it’s being described as “the biggest man-made epidemic in the United States.”2
Dr. Sanjay Gupta, associate chief of neurosurgery at Grady Memorial Hospital and CNN's chief medical correspondent, recently highlighted the gravity of this issue, as many Americans don’t think twice about taking powerful pain-relieving drugs like morphine and Oxycontin.
But if you thought there was a chance they might kill you... the situation would most certainly change, and that’s why getting the word out about this leading cause of death is more important now than ever before.
"""DRUG CONSUPMTION  IS  HIGH....   '' A  PILL  FOR EVERY  EILL''   is  not  not  working!
 '''DRUGS  DON'T  HEAL'''   E G White 
        &  now  we know  they  even  'kill' !    

Prescription Drugs are Killing People Every Day

The face of drug addiction in the United States is changing, and a significant number of older adults, particularly those in the baby boomer generation, as well as teens and young adults are struggling with both illicit and prescription drug abuse. 
One of the most commonly abused drug classes are painkillers (opioids) like morphine, codeine, oxycodone, hydrocodone and fentanyl. These drugs are not only addictive, they can lead to slowed breathing and death if too much is taken, and the risks are compounded if you add alcohol to the equation. 
Congressional testimony from the American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians stated that Americans consume 80 percent of the pain pills in the world,3 and once you start, they set off a cascade of reactions in your body that make it difficult to stop. 
Dr. Gupta reported:4
“ …after just a few months of taking the pills, something starts to change in the body. The effectiveness wears off, and patients typically report getting only about 30% pain relief, compared with when they started. Even more concerning, a subgroup of these patients develop a condition known as hyperalgesia, an increased sensitivity to pain.
As you might guess, all of this creates a situation where the person starts to take more and more pills. And even though they are no longer providing much pain relief, they can still diminish the body's drive to breathe.
If you are awake you may not notice it, but if you fall asleep with too many of these pills in your system, you never wake up. Add alcohol, and the problem is exponentially worse. People who take pain or sleeping pills and drink a couple glasses of wine are playing Russian roulette.”

Two Tragic Stories of Prescription Drug Deaths

Fatal prescription drug overdoses actually surpassed car crashes as the leading cause of accidental death in 2007.5 Many of the overdoses (36 percent) involve prescription opioid painkillers, which were actually the cause of more overdose deaths than heroin and cocaine combined. To put this into perspective, in 2009, nearly 29,000 people died from unintentional drug overdoses, which is the equivalent of losing an airplane carrying 150 passengers and crew every day for nearly 6.5 months – a scenario that would simply be absolutely unacceptable in terms of public health risks.6 
Since it's all legal, no one is really cracking down on this growing drug problem that is wrecking lives each day. How could they, really? The U.S. government has done everything in their power to aid Big Pharma's influence and profits, and you can't increase drug sales while dissuading people from taking them at the same time.
Overdose deaths are highest among men and those aged 20 to 64. Steve Rummler, 37, for instance, received a prescription for hydrocodone to address his back pain, along with clonazepam, an anti-anxiety medication, for injury-related anxiety. He soon became dependent on the drugs, and then addicted, noting that while at first the drugs were a lifeline, “now they are a noose around my neck.”7 
Hydrocodone, a prescription opiate, is synthetic heroin. It's indistinguishable from any other heroin as far as your brain and body is concerned. So, if you're hooked on hydrocodone, you are in fact a good-old-fashioned heroin addict. But most people assume that because it’s a “prescription” drug, it’s safe, or should not carry the same negative stigma as a street drug. 
This is, sadly, far from the truth. Even after completing two addiction treatment programs, Rummler had a relapse and died at the age of 43 from mixed drug toxicity.
In other cases, the damage occurs much more quickly. Eighteen-year-old Emily Jackson took a single Oxycontin pill while drinking with a cousin, and that night died of respiratory depression; she stopped breathing while she slept.8

75 Percent of Patients Taking Popular Blood Thinners Are Given Wrong Dose

It’s not only people who are addicted to painkillers who die from accidental overdoses. Some are also harmed when taking drugs at doses prescribed by their physicians. In a study presented at the American Heart Association Scientific Sessions 2012, researchers from the Intermountain Medical Center Heart Institute revealed that 75 percent of patients taking Plavix or Effient, two common blood-thinning drugs, may be receiving the wrong doses, which would put them at risk of uncontrolled bleeding or blood clots. 
Earlier this summer, Dr. Barbara Starfield from Stanford, who was responsible for deriving the data for the headline, Doctors are the Third Leading Cause of Death, tragically died from the wrong dose of Plavix
While a simple blood test could determine whether patients’ blood is clotting properly, an indication the medication’s dose is appropriate, the test is not widely used. 
The fact of the matter is, adverse drug reactions from drugs that are properly prescribed and properly administered cause about 106,000 deaths per year,9 making prescription drugs the fourth-leading cause of death in the United States. And more than 2 million others will suffer serious side effects. When you compare these statistics to the death toll from illegal drugs -- which is about 10,000 per year -- you can begin to see the magnitude of the problem the legally prescribed drugs versus recreationally used drugs, it is TEN times worse.

Make Drugs the Last Resort for Your Pain

"""PAIN''''     is    acidic  build  up of dietary ande/or metabolic acids and  dehydration!    
Many of those succumbing to prescription drug overdoses started taking the drugs not to get high, but to control pain – often back pain. If you are suffering from pain, I suggest you work with a knowledgeable health care practitioner to determine what's really triggering your pain, and then address the underlying cause.
Remember, along with exposing you to sometimes deadly risks, medications only provide symptomatic relief and in no way, shape or form treat the underlying cause of your pain. But you don't need to suffer unnecessarily while you get to the bottom of your pain issues. The following options provide excellent pain relief without any of the health hazards that prescription (and even over-the-counter) painkillers carry:

  • Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), which is a drug-free approach for pain management of all kinds. EFT borrows from the principles of acupuncture, in that it helps you balance out your subtle energy system.
  • It helps resolve underlying, often subconscious, negative emotions that may be exacerbating your physical pain. By stimulating (tapping) well-established acupuncture points with your fingertips, you re-balance your energy system, which tends to dissipate pain.

  • Astaxanthin: One of the most effective fat-soluble antioxidants known. It has very potent anti-inflammatory properties and in many cases works far more effectively than many anti-inflammatory drugs. Higher doses are typically required and one may need 8 mg or more per day to achieve this benefit.
  • Ginger: This herb has potent anti-inflammatory activity and offers pain relief and stomach-settling properties. Fresh ginger works well steeped in boiling water as a tea or grated into vegetable juice.
  • Curcumin: In a study of osteoarthritis patients, those who added 200 mg of curcumin a day to their treatment plan had reduced pain and increased mobility.10
  • A past study also found that a turmeric extract composed of curcuminoids blocked inflammatory pathways, effectively preventing the launch of a protein that triggers swelling and pain.11

  • Boswellia: Also known as boswellin or "Indian frankincense," this herb contains specific active anti-inflammatory ingredients. This is one of my personal favorites as I have seen it work well with many rheumatoid arthritis patients.
  • Omega 3 Oil: The omega-3 fats EPA and DHA contained in krill oil (animal source) or hemp oil (plant source) have been found by many animal and clinical studies to have anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Bromelain: This enzyme, found in pineapples, is a natural anti-inflammatory. It can be taken in supplement form but eating fresh pineapple may also be helpful.
  • Cetyl Myristoleate (CMO): This oil, found in fish and dairy butter, acts as a "joint lubricant" and an anti-inflammatory. I have used this for myself to relieve ganglion cysts and a mild annoying carpal tunnel syndrome that pops up when I type too much on non-ergonomic keyboards. I used a topical preparation for this.
  • Evening Primrose, Black Currant and Borage Oils: These contain the essential fatty acid gamma linolenic acid (GLA), which is useful for treating arthritic pain.
  • Cayenne Cream: Also called capsaicin cream, this spice comes from dried hot peppers. It alleviates pain by depleting the body's supply of substance P, a chemical component of nerve cells that transmits pain signals to your brain.
  • Methods such as yoga, acupuncture, meditation,12 hot and cold packs, and even holding hands13 can also result in astonishing pain relief without any drugs. 
  • Wednesday, November 28, 2012


    by Earl J. Wilcox

    After some days of wandering around in his skin,
    I found myself imitating his spikey voice, his iconic

    glazed look. His crooked nose fit my face when he
    scratched his scraggy chin. When he got down on

    his hands & knees, crawled to stir the logs in the drafty
    White House fireplace, I felt the creak in his battered bones

    from years ago when he’d trained his body to deal
    with a typing left foot. O, I cannot say just how many

    times I felt Godawful, day after day, night after night
    of the movie making because the sumbitch kept

    pushing and pushing himself to get my stoop,
    my lumbering gait just so. Dan’l was maybe best

    when he sat or slept on the floor with that little child
    actor playing my son Tad, especially when the kid had

    to hide his electronic game so the camera could not see
    how bored the boy was. Watching the two of them I can

    even now feel Tad squirming like a little tadpole,
    never still, running around and around---loving me

    like I loved him. I am cold to the core today when
    I recall that scene early in the movie in the bitter,

    falling rain. I hear Dan’l made a movie about Mohican Indians,
    so he adapted to the woods, felt as much at home there

    as I might have in Kentucky or Indiana. No matter that now.
    What I do remember is being soaked through my scruffy

    underwear when I visited the battlefields, listening
    to the young, death-driven soldiers, sometimes praise me,

    lamenting at length, finishing each other’s rendition of
    my little Gettysburg speech. The pain, the pain, the pain.

    Earl J. Wilcox writes about aging, baseball, literary icons, politics, and southern culture. His work appears in more than two dozen journals; he is a regular contributor to The New Verse News. More of Earl's poetry appears at his blog, Writing by Earl.


    by David Radavich

    From Yahoo News: "A Palestinian worker shovels sand as he repairs a damaged smuggling tunnel dug beneath the Egyptian-Gaza border in Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip November 26, 2012. Knee-deep in craters carved out by Israeli air strikes, Palestinians wielded shovels and planks to reopen tunnels used to smuggle in goods from Egypt to Gaza, as international aid agencies raced to replenish Gaza's supplies." Photo by REUTERS/Mohammed Salem.

    This time invasion
    may work.

    Bombing, certainly.

    We can’t allow ourselves
    to be victimized.

    You can’t complain
    we shouldn’t assassinate
    your leaders.

    We have declared you

    We define you.
    We can kill if we choose.

    Don’t blame us
    for the consequences.

    All blood is
    not created equal.

    David Radavich’s recent collections are America Bound: An Epic for Our Time (2007), Canonicals: Love’s Hours (2009), and Middle-East Mezze (2011).  His plays have been produced across the U.S., including six Off-Off-Broadway, and in Europe.  He is currently president of the Charlotte Writers’ Club.

    Tuesday, November 27, 2012

    Have You Had Your Green Salad Today?

    Have you had your green salad today?
    Eating a green salad almost every day may be one of the healthiest and simplest eating habits you can adopt.

    Here are just a few health reasons to reach for a green salad today:

    1. Eat Green Salads for the Fiber

    Eating a high-fiber diet can help lower dietary and metabolic acids and thus lower cholesterol levels and prevent constipation.

    2. Eat Green Salads for the Health Benefits

    Many experts agree that Americans need to eat more fruit and vegetables (especially dark green vegetables). There is plenty of evidence that nutrient-rich plant foods contribute to overall health.

    If you frequently eat green salads, you'll likely have higher blood levels of powerful antioxidants (vitamin C and E, folic acid, lycopene, and alpha- and beta-carotene,) especially if your salad includes raw vegetables. Antioxidants are substances that help protect the body from damage caused by harmful dietary and metabolic acidic waste products. For years, researchers have noted a link between eating lots of fruit and vegetables and lower risks of many diseases, particularly cancer. A recent study from the National Cancer Institute suggests that people whose diets are rich in fruit and vegetables may have a lower risk of developing cancers.

    3. Eat Green Salads to Cut Calories and Increase Satisfaction

    If losing weight is your goal, you may want to start your meals with a green salad. Studies have shown that eating a low-calorie first course, like a green salad of 150 calories or less, enhances satiety (feelings of fullness) and reduces the total number of calories eaten during the meal.

    4. Eat Green Salads to Get Good Healthy Fats

    Eating a little good fat (like the monounsaturated fat found in olive oil, avocado and nuts) with your vegetables appears to help your body absorb protective phytochemicals, like lycopene from tomatoes and lutein from dark green vegetables.

    A recent study from Ohio State University measured how well phytochemicals were absorbed by the body after people ate a salad of lettuce, carrot, and spinach, with or without 2 1/2 tablespoons of avocado. The avocado-eaters absorbed eight times more alpha-carotene and more than 13 times more beta-carotene (both of which are thought to help protect against cancer and heart disease) than the group eating salads without avocado.

    If you dress your salad with a little olive or avocado oil, there may even be some additional years in it for you. Italian research on people aged 60 and older has suggested that a diet that includes plenty of olive oil and raw vegetables is linked to reduced mortality.

    I personally eat two avocados a day.

    To order your organically grown, Non-GMO avocados go to:

    Enjoy your salad today!

    High Acidic Fructose Corn Syrup and Glucose May Cause Type II Diabetes

    A new study by University of Southern California (USC) and University of Oxford researchers indicates that large amounts of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) found in food supplies across the world may be the cause of the rising global epidemic of  diabetes and resulting higher health care costs.

    The study reports that countries that use HFCS in their food supply had a 20 percent higher prevalence of diabetes than countries that did not use HFCS. The analysis also revealed that HFCS’s association with the “significantly increased prevalence of diabetes” occurred independent of total sugar intake and obesity levels.
    The article, “High Fructose Corn Syrup and Diabetes Prevalence: A Global Perspective,” is published in the journal Global Public Health.
    “HFCS appears to pose a serious public health problem on a global scale,” said principal study author Michael I. Goran, professor of preventive medicine, director of the Childhood Obesity Research Center and co-director of the Diabetes and Obesity Research Institute at the Keck School of Medicine at USC. “The study adds to a growing body of scientific literature that indicates HFCS consumption may result in negative health consequences distinct from and more deleterious than natural sugar.”
    The paper reports that out of 42 countries studied, the United States has the highest per capita consumption of HFCS at a rate of 25 kilograms, or 55 pounds, per year. The second highest is Hungary, with an annual rate of 16 kilograms, or 46 pounds, per capita. Canada, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Belgium, Argentina, Korea, Japan and Mexico are also relatively high HFCS consumers. Germany, Poland, Greece, Portugal, Egypt, Finland and Serbia are among the lowest HFCS consumers. Countries with per capita consumption of less than 0.5 kilogram per year include Australia, China, Denmark, France, India, Ireland, Italy, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and Uruguay.
    Countries with higher use of HFCS had an average prevalence of Type II diabetes of 8 percent compared to 6.7 percent in countries not using HFCS.
    “This research suggests that HFCS can increase the risk of Type II diabetes, which is one of the most common causes of death in the world today,” said study co-author Professor Stanley Ulijaszek, director of the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Oxford.
    The article proposes that this link is probably driven by higher amounts of fructose in foods and beverages made with HFCS. Fructose and glucose are both found in ordinary sugar (sucrose) in equal amounts, but HFCS has a greater proportion of fructose. The higher fructose content makes HFCS sweeter and provides processed foods with greater stability and better appearance because of the more consistent browning color when foods made with higher fructose are baked.
    In a previous related study, the authors found that the fructose content in some U.S.-produced soft drinks, especially the most popular, was about 20 percent higher than expected, suggesting that some manufacturers might be using HFCS with more fructose than previously estimated. Such differences could “potentially be driving up fructose consumption in countries that use HFCS,” the researchers said. The study notes the difficulty in determining the actual amount of fructose in foods and beverages made with HFCS because of “a lack of industry disclosure on food labels.”
    Growing evidence reveals that the body metabolizes fructose differently from glucose. Among other things, fructose metabolism occurs independently of insulin, primarily in the liver where it may be readily buffered or bound to fat, which likely contributes to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, a condition on the rise in Hispanics in the U.S. and Mexico.
    “Most populations have an almost insatiable appetite for sweet foods, but regrettably our metabolism has not evolved sufficiently to be able to process the fructose from high fructose corn syrup in the quantities that some people are consuming it,” said Ulijaszek. “Although this syrup can be found in many of our processed foods and drinks, this varies enormously from country to country.”
    The U.S. is the single largest consumer of high fructose corn syrup. By the late 1990s HFCS made up 40 percent of all caloric sweeteners and was the predominant sweetener in soft drinks sold in the U.S. However, since 2008, exports of HFCS from the U.S. to Mexico increased “exponentially” after trade restrictions were removed, the researchers said. They call for updated public health strategies requiring better labeling of fructose and HFCS content in processed foods.
    To explain the varying degrees of HFCS consumption in the European Union, the researchers note that trade and agricultural policies set quotas for HFCS production, and while some countries, such as Sweden and the U.K., do not take their assigned quotas, other countries, such as Hungary and Slovakia, are able to purchase extra quotas from countries that do not accept them. The findings of the paper thus have important implications for global trade policies that may affect public health.
    “If HFCS is a risk factor for diabetes—one of the world’s most serious chronic diseases—then we need to rewrite national dietary guidelines and review agriculture trade polices,” said Tim Lobstein, director of policy for the International Association for the Study of Obesity. “HFCS will join trans fats as ingredients to avoid, and foods should carry warning labels.”
    Goran, M., Ulijaszek, S. and Ventura, E. (2012). High fructose corn syrup and diabetes prevalence: A global perspective. Global Public Health. Published online Nov. 27, 2012.
    Sources of data in the ecological analysis include the Global Burden of Metabolic Risk Factors Collaborating Group (BMI), International Diabetes Federation Diabetes Atlas (prevalence) and the FAOSTAT, a statistical website maintained by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (food availability).
    Recent research estimates that 6.4 percent of the world population is diabetic and by 2030, the estimate will increase to 7.7 percent, with developing countries seeing the highest increases. Wider acceptance of processed foods with higher levels of refined carbohydrates, especially sugar, is considered by some experts to be a reason. Complications from Type II diabetes include blindness, dementia, gum disease, cardiovascular disease and an increase in lower limb amputations. Those with Type II diabetes typically have a 10-year shorter life span than the general population.
    Young, R.O., Young, S.R. (2005). The pH Miracle for Diabetes, The Revolutionary Diet Plan for Type I and Type II Diabetics, Grand Central Life & Style

    A Convenient Way To Monitor Health

    A convenient and easy way to monitor your health is to test the saliva and urine pH which should be at least 7.2 or greater on a scale of 0 to 14.  The saliva pH is a measurement of your alkaline reserves and your capacity for buffering dietary and/or metabolic acids.  The urine pH is a measurement of your interstial body fluids that surrounds all of your body cells.  The body cells that make up your tissues, organs and glands are only as healthy as the interstial fluids they are bathed in.  Ideally, these interstial body fluids should be at least 7.2 or greater to maintain healthy tissues, organs and glands.  To order pH tests strips go to:


    by Iris Litt

    Image source: Jacksonville Wine Guide

    According to the news report
    some downtowners had to resort
    to flushing their toilets with wine.
    I think that’s fine
    but the politically-correct are outraged,
    they have a different take:
    It’s like Marie Antoinette’s “Let them eat cake”
    since, in the projects, people hauled water
    up many more flights than they oughta.
    So toast this flushing way-to-go
    with pinot noir, cabernet, merlot
    chianti, montepulciani
    or maybe an Italian bubbly
    which may act doubly
    on all that slush
    and you’ll have a royal flush.

    Let them complain.
    If (please not) we have another hurricane,
    me, I’m flushing with champagne.

    Iris Litt’s most recent book of poetry is What I Wanted to Say from Shivastan Publishing. An earlier book of poetry, Word Love,  was published by Cosmic Trend Publications.  She has had poems in many literary magazines including Onthebus, Confrontation, Hiram Poetry Review, The  New Renaissance, Asphodel, Poetry Now, Central Park, Icarus, The Rambunctious Review, Pearl, The Ledge, Earth's Daughters, Poet Lore, Scholastic, and Atlantic Monthly (special college edition).  She has had short stories in Travellers Tales, Prima Materia, Out Of The Catskills,  and The Second Word Thursdays Anthology; and articles in Pacific Coast Journal, Writer's Digest, and The Writer.  She teaches writing workshops in Woodstock, NY, and has taught creative writing at Bard College,  SUNY/Ulster, Arts Society of Kingston, Writers in the Mountains, Educational Alliance, New York Public Library, and Marble Collegiate Church. She lives in Woodstock and in New York City’s Greenwich Village.

    Monday, November 26, 2012


    by Laura Eklund

    "Contrary Theses,"Acrylic on Canvas by Laura Eklund

    I imagined men in bare feet
    and soldiers building the toolbox
    that was never big enough.
    Half of the stars forgot to see
    though I could see Heaven
    dotting the sky
    in the far-off distance.
    We talked over dinner
    with faces in the background
    though it was barely enough
    the roots of the earth kept growing
    toward the aspects.
    Compressing the story
    that could never be told

    the protestations of children
    tucked into the night.

    Laura Eklund is an artist and poet. She lives and works in Olive Hill, KY with the poet George Eklund and their four chldren. She has been writing poetry since she learned to read and write, which was about third grade. She writes in order to breathe and survive.

    Sunday, November 25, 2012

    Someone Is Trying To Kill Me!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The following story, "Someone Is Trying To Kill Me," is a classic reminder that the quality and quantity of ones life is in direct relationship to ones daily lifestyle and dietary choices.  This is the message of Dr. Robert and Shelley Young as they share their "New Biology" and the pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet.

    Health and vitality is a consequence of choice just like sickness and disease. When we begin to see the truth that cancer, heart dis-ease, diabetes, depression, heart attack, stroke, low energy, pain, obesity, etc., are ALL the
    consequences of lifestyle and dietary choices then maybe we will begin to stop doing cancer, stop doing heart dis-ease, and stop doing diabetes, etc. with our personal lifestyle and dietary choices.

    As stated so eloquently by Robert Louis Stevenson, "There will come a time when we all sit down to the banquet of our consequences."

    "The cure for all sickness and dis-ease, including cancer will be found in its PREVENTION NOT in its TREATMENT." Dr. Robert O. Young.

    "If you want to be healthy, energetic and fit then you have to make lifestyle and dietary choices that will bring you those consequences," states Dr. Young.

    "Life is all about choices that lead to consequences.  We can choose health or we can choose sickness, disease. pain an death.  With each thought, with every move, with each word spoken and with every food or drink ingested we determine the quality and quantity of our life," warns Dr. Young.

    And, now for our story . . . . . .

    On the morning of his 42nd birthday, Crabwell Grommet awoke to a peal of particularly ominous thunder. Glancing out the window with bleary eyes, he saw written in fiery letters across the sky: "Someone is trying to kill you, Crabwell Grommet!"

    With shaking hands, Grommet lit his first cigarette of the day. He didn't question the message. You don't
    question a message like that. His only question was, "Who?" At breakfast, as he salted his fried eggs, he told his wife, Gratia, "Someone is trying to kill me."

    "Who?" she asked with horror? Grommet slowly stirred the cream and sugar into his coffee and shook his head. "I don't know!" he replied. Convinced though he was, Grommet wasn't going to the police with his story. He decided that his only course of action was to go about his daily routine and hope somehow to outwit his would be murderer.

    He tried to think on the way to the office but the frustration of making time by beating red lights and switching lanes occupied him wholly. Nor once behind his desk could he find a moment, what with handling phone calls, urgent emails, and the many problems and decisions piling up as they did every day.

    It wasn't until his second martini at lunch that the full terror of his dilemma struck him. It was all he could do to finish off his Lasagna Milanese. "I can't panic," he said to himself, lighting his cigar. "I must simply live my life as usual." So he worked until seven as usual, studied business reports as usual, and took his usual two capsules of Seconal in order to get his usual six hours of sleep.

    As the days passed, Crabwell stuck fully to his routine. As the months passed by, he began to take a perverse pleasure in his ability to survive. "Whoever is trying to get me," he's say proudly to his wife, "hasn't got me yet. I'm too smart for him." "Oh, please be careful," she'd reply, ladling him a second helping of her tasty beef stroganoff.

    His pride grew and he managed to go on living for years. But, as it must to all men, death came at last to Crabwell Grommet. it came at his desk on a particularly busy day. He was 53.

    His wife demanded a full autopsy. But it showed only emphysema, arterioscleorosis, duodenal ulcers, cirrhosis of the liver, cardiac necrosis, a cerebrovascular aneurysm, pulmonary edema, obesity, circulatory insufficiency, and a touch of lung cancer.

    "How glad Crabwell would have been to know," said the widow smiling proudly through her tears, "that he died of natural causes."

    The moral of this story can be found in the words of Dr. Phil, "When we choose the behavior, we choose the consequences."  And more important, "belief determines ones behavior."  Dr. Young

    The cure for all sickness and disease, including cancer is found by making daily healthy lifestyle and dietary choices.  Most folks are following the path of Crabwell Grommet hoping that science will find a cure for disease, sickness, pain, cancer, diabetes, and heart disease while they are digging their own graves with their teeth.  There will be NO cures discovered by current medical savants for cancer, diabetes or heart disease.  There will be NO pill, or potiion or drug that will be found to cure disease.  

    The cure for sickness and disease, including cancer, diabetes and heart disease is within your own power and with your own daily lifestyle and dietary choices.  You choose!  You have the power!  You decide your own quality and quantity of life.  You decide whether or not you get sick.  You decide whether or not you have cancer,  You decide whether or not you become diabetic.  You decide whether or not you have a stroke.  You decide whether or not you have a heart attack.  You decide whether or not you become healthy and fit. May you choose wisely the path that leads to health, energy, vitality and fitness or you will find yourself on the other path that leads you to sickness, disease, pain and death.

    The blueprint for this path to health, energy, vitality and fitness, free from all sickness and disease can be found, secured and realized in the revised edition of the pH Miracle book, by Dr. Robert and Shelley Young.  Read it, Ponder it. Study it,  Now apply it and watch and see your body and mind transform within 12 weeks to incredible health, energy, vitality and fitness.  You will finally be freed by your own free will from ALL sickness, disease and pain.  You will be taking personal responisbility. You will be in control. You will be empowered.  You will be clothed in health, energy, vitality and POWER.  You will finally be FREE!


    by Laura Rodley

    Abenaki Indian Pictures. Abenaki Children. Image source: Indians Pictures.

    In the back edge of the forest
    are stones piled up one on top the other
    in a horseshoe shape facing
    the quartz vein outcropping
    perhaps built by Abenaki Indians
    before colonial men sent their servants
    to take stones from Indian burial mounds
    to build their stone fences,
    unknowingly disturbing the peace,
    and here my husband and another
    man named Jim lift beds of moss
    off the stone structure, reveal it
    to be as tall as a horse, facing the sky,
    the midnight sky when the Big Dipper
    hangs low and this is what my eyes
    feasted on before the election,
    how it is time for the Indian spirits
    to walk our land, to look
    to the Big Dipper and the old spirits
    caught in her cup
    for our answers, for forgiveness.

    Laura Rodley’s New Verse News poem “Resurrection” has won a Pushcart Prize and appears in The Pushcart Prlze XXXVII: Best of the Small Presses (2013 edition). She was nominated twice before for the Prize as well as for Best of the Net. Her chapbook Rappelling Blue Light, a Mass Book Award nominee,  won honorable mention for the New England Poetry Society Jean Pedrick Award. Her second chapbook Your Left Front Wheel is Coming Loose was also nominated for a Mass Book Award and a L.L.Winship/Penn New England Award. Both were published by Finishing Line Press.  Co-curator of the Collected Poets Series, she teaches creative writing and works as contributing writer and photographer for the Daily Hampshire Gazette.  She edited As You Write It, A Franklin County Anthology, Volume I and Volume II.

    Saturday, November 24, 2012

    Foods Rich In Chlorophyll For Building Healthy Blood & Body Cells

    Green Electron Rich Foods and Drinks For Building Blood, Detoxing Blood and Tissues and Building Healthy Body Cells

    Green electron rich foods are a most effective natural cure for heart dis-ease, MS, osteoporosis, arthritis, diabetes, low energy, gaseous stomach, constipation, IBS, Crohn's and most important cancer. In order to understand how green foods work, any preconceived ideas about nutrition must be put aside. While green foods contain a number of vitamins, minerals, proteins, electrons, chlorophyll and more, they are actually catalysts that support chemical chain reactions within the body.

    Most cancers start when incomplete chemical reactions occur during digestion or food transformation, respiration and elimination, which create acidic toxic waste in the body that ultimately interferes with cellular transformation. Each cell by the body processes is liable for replicating itself. During cellular transformation from liquid food, chromosomes split into chromatides and reassemble into genes. If they can’t match up properly, cellular defects cause aging, bone loss, heart disease and cancer.

    Green electron rich foods help “maintain the alkaline design of the body” and create an environment where a cancerous condition is unlikely to occur. Low pH or acidity in the colloidal connective tissue is often the root cause of many if not ALL dis-eases. It begins when the root system or small intestine is congested or damaged and is not making healthy red blood cells to transform into healthy body cells. In addition the fluids of the body are deprived of alkaline ash food that creates a low alkaline buffer reserve in the interstitial tissue fluids to help maintain the alkaline design of the body. As the alkaline interstitial tissue fluid reserve is “used up” by maintaining the delicate alkaline pH of the blood at 7.365, acidity begins to increase in other organs causing latent tissue acidosis and stressing normal metabolic performance. To buffer the formation of lactic, uric and other damaging acids from food and metabolism, the body will leach calcium from the bones or magnesium from the muscles, or iron from the red blood cells to sodium ions from the plasma to “buffer” and neutralize these acids. Unfortunately this causes bone loss, muscle loss, arthritis and osteoporosis. Another defensive measure is to store the ammonia acids in the kidneys so as to conserve the alkaline buffer reserve. This ultimately leads to kidney stones, endocrine imbalance and contributes to the cellular stress that leads to cancerous body cells.

    The leading cause of low pH and over acidity is the consumption of processed foods (carbohydrates, sugar, white flour), meat, protein and carbonated beverages. Of course the ultimate way to create a strong alkaline reserve is to consume alkaline mineral salts and alkaline ash foods like green foods, which will in turn balance the pH of the body allowing other important aspects of anti-oxidative defense to be unleashed. However, as important as pH is, it is simply one aspect of green food nutrition, and any cancerous condition is only one of many ailments that green electron rich foods may be helpful in preventing.

    Green Chlorophyll Rich Foods & Cancer Prevention

    “Scientist have discovered that green juices increase the oxygenation of the body, purify the blood and organs, assisted in the metabolism of nutrients and counteract acids and toxins. Green juices are the superstars of the nutrition world.” As scientists gain more insight into explanation for cancers, it is becoming increasingly clear that the focus of treatment must change dramatically.

    While many researchers have become convinced, most medical doctors and oncologists are still overcoming their previously deep rooted belief in the genetic origin of cancers. This belief has virtually discredited those who focus on lifestyle modification and a disease preventive diet as the primary defense against cancer, and since doctors thought genetics were the cause, surgery, medications and chemotherapy became widely accepted as the best “reaction” to the “genetic” malfunction. So much is changing with current revelations provided by the human genome project, indicating that only 20% of all cancerous conditions are genetically linked.

    This paradigm changing revelation has lead many researchers to turn their attention to ³phyto² chemistry, which is the research into plant-based compounds that act as cellular anti-oxidants. Recently a unanimous chorus has gone up from myself, other doctors, dietitians and nutritionist to significantly increase the amount of green-pigmented electron rich foods people get in their diet.

    The real reason for the reason being a huge body of scientific evidence currently indicates that green electron rich foods will be the biggest part of a blood building, blood and tissue detox, dis-ease prevention and life extending pH Miracle diet.

    April 1999 Publication of the Harvard Health Letter

    According to Harvard researchers, probably the most important steps anyone can take to avoid cancer is to consume more deep green-pigmented foods. With cancer rates climbing, researchers noted that such a dietary change must be the first line of defense. (Note: Over 1 million cases are diagnosed each year!) At the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta, GA, Dr. Tim Beyors has seen how adding green foods to every diet can increase cancer prevention dramatically. Studies at the CDC show that people who eat a high fiber, low fat diet can decrease their risk for colon/rectal cancer by less than 10%.

    However, adding five servings of greens to the same low fat, high fiber diet the risk fell by nearly 40%. Other studies show a lack of green vegetables increases breast cancer risk nearly 25%, with skin cancer results being very similar. While these studies focused on leafy green vegetables, sea greens are also impressive in human studies conducted at UC Davis by T.L. Mao, Jean De Water and M.E. Gershwin.

    These studies published in the Journal of Medicinal Foods shows certain sea plants with green and blue pigments induce interleukin (IL)-1ß,IL-4 and interferon (IFN). In fact, after only two weeks of oral ingestion (of platensis), IFN increased just as much as 13 times. (Note: These are important to cellular defense and increase macrophage activity, an important aspect of fighting cancer.)

    Research Beginnings, So where did the research begin? 

    All the details are somehow either inspired by or is a continuation of the functional foods program that operated under Dr.Herb Pierson from the National Cancer Institute (NCI), Bethesda, MD. He convinced the U.S. Government to fund $20 million in research into the disease preventive aspect of food. It was Dr. Pierson who coined the term “phytochemical” to describe the yet unidentified compounds in food that help prevent disease.

    He was also a pioneer in documenting the cancer-fighting compounds in green high chlorophyll foods such as endole carbinole 3 and sulphurophane through his support of research on broccoli. With the overwhelming amount of new research being published every year, it is inevitable that botanists, chemists and others will catalogue hordes of endoles, bioflavanoids and polyphenolic compounds in green plants sometime soon.

    However, we need to examine the form and function of green plants to fully understand their place in nature¹s apothecary. We know chlorophyll as the pigment that makes plants green. But it’s Chlorophyll’s amazing similarity to hemoglobin which is the first clue to it’s potential.

    Form Follows Purpose 

    As chlorophyll performs photosynthesis, it is exposed to hours of ultraviolet and radioactive light. As a byproduct of this, damage is done to the plant¹s nucleic acids causing oxidative stress. In reaction, green plants develop an array of unique bioflavanoids that act as blocking agents or others that act as repairing and suppressing agents. Recent research has shown that those green plant activities can be transferred to the humans who consume them. In fact, scientists have documented green plants¹ effect on cellular rejuvenation and the DNA repair in human cells. One study conducted at UC San Diego showed a component of green leaves from young barley plants to promote the repair of DNA significantly in comparison to the control group. This study was conducted by a team led by Dr. Hotta and Dr. Kubuto.


    Today 83% of Americans who die suffer from a version of a chronic disease, and with life expectancy at an all time high it’s high time for change.

    In Roman times the average life span was a mere 22 years old, while today at least people are reaching ages well into the 100s (Jean Colment of France at 122 years old.) As a society, Japan leads the life expectancy race, with an average of 80 years, while American women come in at a close second with a 78 year average. The stark realization that any extended lifespan comes with an increased likelihood of developing chronic degenerative conditions has driven home the message echoing from the voice of the father of medicine himself who said, “Let food be your medicine and let medicine be your food.”

    While researchers continue to achieve unprecedented success with cancer treatments, it may be 10-20 years before the most promising treatments become widely available. With 1.2 million Americans diagnosed with cancer last year alone, an aging baby boomer population is running out of time. Today with the scientific validation of green, high chlorophyll foods as a dis-ease-fighter, the gray generation is NOW becoming the green generation or should we say the pH Miracle Generation!


    1. Hughes and Letner. “Chlorophyll and Hemoglobin Regeneration,” American Journal of Medical Science, 188, 206 (1936)
    2. Kohler, Elvahjem and Hart. “Growth Stimulating Properties of Grass Juice,” Science. 83, 445 (1936)
    3. The Scandanavian Journal of Gastroenterology, Volume 37, Number 4/April 1, 2002, pages 444-449 talks of a study titled: “Wheat Grass Juice in the treating Active Distal Ulcerative Colitis: A Randomized Double-blind Placebo-controlled Trial.” Conclusion: “Wheat grass juice appeared effective and safe as a single or adjuvant treatment of distal UC.
    4. Kohler, Randle and Wagner. “The Grass Juice Factor.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 128, 1w (1939)
    5. Miyake, T. and Shibamoto, T. Inhibition of Malonaldehyde and acetaldehyde formation from blood plasma oxidation by naturally occurring antioxidants. 1998, J. of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Vol. 46 (9): 1135-1138.
    6. Hagiwara, Y. Study on green juice powder of young barley (Hordeum vulgare L) leaves II: Effect on several food additives, agricultural chemicals, and a carcinogen. Presented at the 98th National Meeting of the Japanese Society of Pharmaceutical Science (1978).
    7. Hagiwara, Y., Sayuki, S., Miysuchi, T., Otake,H., Abe, S., Kuramoto, M., and Takada, K. Study on green barley extract. Presented at the 99th National Meeting of the Japanese Society of Pharmaceutical Science, Sapporo (1979).
    8. Osawa, T., Katsuzaki, H., Hagiwara, Y., and Shibamoto, T. A novel antioxidant isolated from young green barley leaves. 1992, J. of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Vol. 40 (7): 1135-1138.
    9. Digirolamo M. Diet and cancer: markers, prevention and treatment. New York: Plenum Press; 1994. p 203. 10. Nakajima, S., Hagiwara, Y., Hagiwara, H., and Shibamoto, T. Effect of the Antioxidant 2″-O-Glycosylisovitexin from young green barley leaves on acetaldehyde formation in beer stored at 50 degree C for 90 days. 1998, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Vol. 46 (4): 1529-1531.


    by Tom Karlson

    Theodore Roosevelt Equestrian Statue, American Museum of Natural History. Image source: Wikipedia

    “I suppose I should be ashamed to say that I take the western view of the Indian. I don't go so far as to think that the only good Indian is the dead Indian, but I believe nine out of every ten are, and I shouldn't like to inquire too closely into the case of the tenth.”  --Theodore Roosevelt, 1886

    That original sin
    Our original sin
    Not a talking snake sin
    No Adam or Eve sin

    This original sin
    This first holocaust sin
    This First Nation
    60 million
    Double helixed
    Long gone sin
    200 languages silenced sin
    This good, dead, jailed, Indian sin


    310 million All-Americans
    Sit at the table
    Football and eats
    Giving thanks

    Tom Karlson is founder of Poets for Peace, Long Island, NY.

    Friday, November 23, 2012


    by M. A. Schaffner

    "Decaying City" by FlatCap Illustration

    Those without sons in penitentiaries
    with money that they’ll never need for bail,
    who schedule annual physicals on time
    believing nothing bad can come of it,

    may wonder at the ones who make their salads
    or drive cabs in small towns and case pawn shops
    for CDs to resell at flea markets,
    or save pills from the emergency room

    for when the pain stops and they can enjoy them.
    Their grandfathers built the cities they know
    in sordid sometimes dangerous decline,
    connected to each other on highways

    increasingly broken, or rails sagged by freight
    searching for a promise or one big score,
    aging fast and leaving their unused years
    as a gift we have no one to thank for.

    M. A. Schaffner has work recently published or forthcoming in The Hollins Critic, Magma, Tulane Review, Gargoyle, and Skirmish Magazine.  Other writings include the poetry collection The Good Opinion of Squirrels, and the novel War Boys.  Schaffner used to work as a civil servant, but now serves civil pugs.