Dear Dr. Young,
My name is Lisa and I am a 51 year old woman. I am writing because I wanted to let you know of my success following an alkaline lifestyle and diet.
I have abused this body with an acidic diet and lifestyle for a good many years. Three of the biggest issues were "IBS", low energy and aching in the hips and down the legs (Sciatica). Standard medicine has not been able to offer any substantial longterm relief from any of these conditions, apart from prescribing acidic medications to mask the discomfort, but not cure the problem.
The way I stumbled on the pH Miracle alkaline journey was unusual. In a random chance meeting with an Indian Shaman, he told me some things about my health and what I needed to do to fix them. He told me that I needed to give up the endless coffee and energy drinks, as well as the cigarettes.
This is what was happening to me: my colon was dehydrated and my whole system was acidic. He told me to drink aloe vera juice for rehydrating and healing the colon and go on the internet and learn about eating "happy food"..lol. At this point, I was desperate to fix these chronic health issues and I had nothing to lose and everything to gain so I did what he told me to do. This led me to you Dr. Robert O. Young.
I immediately gave up all but one cup of coffee in the morning and the sugary energy drinks entirely. I switched to herbal teas with lemon and water with lemon. I drank the aloe vera juice and dove into learning about which foods I should be eating. As with any major overhaul, I am still honing my knowledge and skills, as I attempt to practice eating alkaline.
Now here is the my testimony: In less than 6 weeks of implementing my newfound knowledge of Dr. Young's alkalizing protocol, the IBS is completely gone! That's right completely gone! I'm not going to get graphic, but this was a chronic horrific condition that I suffered fo over 12 years.
I have recently started juicing and my energy level is no longer fluctuating from extreme highs to even more extreme lows. I feel great all thru the day without acidic coffee and energy drinks! The pain in my joints and hips has also lessened, as long as I restrict the majority of acidic foods. My skin is just beginning to have a healthy glow and I think my body fat content (cellulite) is disappearing as well.
Keep in mind, I am a beginner at this and by no means a perfect alkaline/acid practitioner. But even so, the good news is that within only 6 weeks under my belt, I have already seen amazing results!
I look forward to applying this newfound pH Miracle alkaline lifestyle to the rest of my years.
Thank you sooo much Dr. Young.
To quote a fairly "popular" author: "My people perish for lack of knowledge".
Thanks much for sharing the knowledge everyone needs out there!
Lisa King
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