by Wayne Scheer
So this guy,
Felix Baumgartner,
decides to jump
out of a balloon
twenty four miles
above the Earth,
falling at speeds
of 833.9 miles an hour,
breaking the sound barrier.
Why not?
Seemed like a good
thing to do at the time.
Not much on TV,
the Presidential Debates
a few days off,
things slow at work.
So he gets into his
pressurized space suit
that protects him
against the elements,
and keeps him from seeing,
hearing or feeling anything.
Who hasn't wished
for a suit like that
now and then?
He jumps and falls,
fearful at first
that the hellish spins
will keep him from
breaking the record,
but he comes out of the spin cycle
and begins a clean descent
straight down,
faster than anyone
not in a capsule of some sort.
He lands, amazingly,
on his feet,
eager to see his girlfriend
and get back to his day job,
flying helicopters.
What has he learned from all this?
"Sometimes we have to get really high to see how small we are."
Didn't Steve Martin say that
years ago?
Since his retirement, Wayne Scheer has justified not going back to work by publishing hundreds of stories, poems and essays online and in print. His work has been nominated for four Pushcart Prizes and a Best of the Net. Revealing Moments, a collection of flash stories, was published by Thumbscrews Press. Wayne lives in Atlanta and can be contacted at wvscheer(at)aol.com.
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