Wednesday, December 19, 2012


by Judith Terzi

Metro Station, Pasadena, CA. Image source: The Old Pasadena Blog

Push to open the gate. Empuje para abrir.
Look both ways before crossing the tracks.
Do not enter while the bells are active.
Search for invisible things: Higg's boson,
a wish inside a Bushmaster. Grief. Kill me
softly with a Venti. Head straight home
in your penny loafers, stiff striped shirt.
Free People jeans, Citizen of Humanity.
Not Your Daughter's Jeans. Oh not your
mother's guns. Search for the invisible.
A secret inside a Glock. Wounds inside
the shells. Despair inside terror. Courage
inside despair. Radiance inside a law.
Grief. Lick the latte. Dunk the Madeleine.
Pull to open the gate. Jale para abrir.

Judith Terzi is a poet living in Southern California where she taught high school French for many years. Her poetry has received nominations for Best of the Net and Web and awards and recognition from journals such as dotdotdash, Mad Hatters', and Newport Review. Poems are forthcoming in American Society: What Poets See(FutureCycle Press), Poetry Project Erotic Poem Anthology (Tupelo Press), and elsewhere. Sharing Tabouli was published by Finishing Line in 2011.

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