Monday, July 30, 2012


by John Guzlowski
Image courtesy of sighthound through Creative Commons.

See my little girl?
She can read a book

make change for a twenty
tell you what star is what.

She doesn't need
school or love or dolls.

She knows winter is hard
and beds are soft

grow on vines.

She knows
what's useless:

the soft spade
the easy turn.

Maybe in Mississippi

the soil is wet and sweet
ready for asparagus

or juicy fruit
but not here.

Here the ground is clay
more clay than dirt.

Here, you see a dog
you know he's leaving.

John Guzlowski’s writing has appeared in The Ontario Review, Atlanta Review, Exquisite Corpse and other journals.  His poems about his parents’ experiences in Nazi concentration camps appear in his book Lightning and Ashes.  He also blogs about his parents and their experiences.


by Janice D. Soderling

Chinese state media reported breathlessly about a teenager from eastern China who sold his kidney for about $3500 to buy an iPad and an iPhone. --Time Magazine, July 2, 2012 (Photo source: iStock)   

Oh the shelf life of a kidney
and the shelf life of a phone;
Oh the trade-off of an organ
for an iPad all your own.

Oh bethink the youthful seller
lying harvested and sewn.
Oh bethink the wealthy buyer
under phenobarbitone.

Soon phased out is writ in small print.
Upgrades currently unknown.
This sale is firm and final.
It's forever. Not a loan.

Janice D. Soderling is a previous contributor to New Verse News. Recent work at Origami Poetry Project; Prose Poems Project; Able Muse; Rattle; J Journal: New Writing on Justice; Flash, The International Short-short Story Magazine; Right Hand Pointing; The Nervous Breakdown; Subtle Fiction; The Lascaux Review.

Sunday, July 29, 2012


by Laura Rodley

With long tanned legs and shorts lined with pockets
she walks beach, spying beach glass, valued lockets
of the heart of the ocean, how it rubs
away time smoothing rocks to sandy nubs,
pockets growing heavy, filled with treasure.
Quiet amongst waves, time without measure
except the clock that the glass holds up high
how its sides are smooth, edge grooved, time passed by.
Having reached the edge of the point, surprised,
She turns around towards home noon surmised
by height of sun overhead.  Time to gather
lunch items, tuna or grilled cheese, rather
easy to fix, keep the mood of time extended,
all sorrows laid aside, all hearts mended. 

Laura Rodley’s New Verse News poem “Resurrection” has won a Pushcart Prize and will appear later this year in The Pushcart Prlze XXXVII: Best of the Small Presses (2013 edition). She was nominated twice before for the Prize as well as for Best of the Net. Her chapbook Rappelling Blue Light, a Mass Book Award nominee,  won honorable mention for the New England Poetry Society Jean Pedrick Award. Her second chapbook Your Left Front Wheel is Coming Loose was also nominated for a Mass Book Award and a L.L.Winship/Penn New England Award. Both were published by Finishing Line Press.  Co-curator of the Collected Poets Series, she teaches creative writing and works as contributing writer and photographer for the Daily Hampshire Gazette.  She edited As You Write It, A Franklin County Anthology, Volume I and Volume II. 

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Thermal Scan Detects Early Arthritis

Thermal Scan Detects Early Arthritis
Device Detects Warmth in Joints -- Early Sign of Inflammation

A new device is showing promise for detecting arthritis in the hands before joint destruction occurs.

A group of researchers at Duke University reports that a process called thermography is sensitive enough to identify minimal changes in the temperature of a joint, the first sign of inflammation and arthritis.

Currently, X-rays are the standard technique for diagnosing arthritis, also called osteoarthritis -- the most common type of arthritis that causes the breakdown of cartilage in joints, leading to joint swelling, inflammation, pain, and stiffness.

The thermal scanning device -- originally developed to scan computer circuit boards for defects -- works by using infrared thermal images to measure subtle temperature differences in joints, writes researcher Virginia Kraus, MD, a rheumatologist at Duke University Medical Center. Her study appears in the current issue of the journal Rheumatology.

Earlier studies have shown that thermography can help doctors determine whether an arthritis treatment is working. It can measure the changes in joint temperature in response to treatment -- with a decrease in the joint temperature indicating reduced inflammation as a result of the therapy. Krauss' study looked at whether this process could help detect the inflammation -- by detecting an increase in temperature -- in hand joints that signal the beginning of osteoarthritis.

The 91 volunteers in her study all had arthritis in their hands; most were women. The study measured temperatures in the normal and osteoarthritis joints of the hands.

"Thermoscanning was very reliable" in detecting temperature differences between arthritic and non-arthritic joints, writes Krauss. Those joints in the earliest stages of arthritis had the highest temperatures. As the osteoarthritis symptoms worsened, the joint temperature got cooler.

Her findings help show that the earliest phase of arthritis is the inflammatory phase. However, the cooler joint temperature with worsening arthritis is still a mystery. "It's unclear if it's from disuse or lack of blood supply, but temperature somehow diminishes as bony enlargements grow," she says in a news release.
By Jeanie Lerche Davis
WebMD Health News

Are You Going Acid Over Bananas?

Are You Going Acid Over Bananas?                                                        

The body uses the stomach to produce sodium bicarbonate to regulate the acids created from diet and metabolism.  The bones are NOT buffers of acidity.  They are the result of an over acid lifestyle and diet which includes the acid ingestion of bananas.  The calcium of the bones is only used when the stomach is NOT functioning properly in its main purpose to produce alkalintiy in the form of sodium bicarboante to buffer metabolic acids in the blood and tissues.

You need to read my books, especially the new pH Miracle Revised and Updated.

The stomach produces an acidic waste product of HCL as a waste product of sodium bicarbonate production.  The HCL falls into the gastric pits of the stomach as the alkalizing sodium bicarbonate rises to alkalize the food we ingest.

HCL is a strong acid and does cause cancer - especially stomach cancer!!!!!!!!  That is why the number 1 health challenge in the world is stomach problems from the over-production of HCL because of the body's need for more sodium bicarbonate to buffer the excess acids from an acidic lifestyle and diet.  This is critical in order to maintain its alkaline design of the body.  The biochemical equation in the stomach is NaCl + H2O + CO2 <=> NaHCO3 + HCL.  For every molecule of HCL produced in the stomach an equal amount of sodium bicarbonate is produced to maintain the alkaline design of the body.  The stomach's main purpose is to maintain the alkaline design of the body..  It is NOT an organ of digestion but an organ of contribution.  It's main contribution to the blood, tissues and organs is sodium bicarbonate.  The pH Of the stomach is NOT acid but Alkaline at a pH of over 8 when the stomach begins releasing its sodium bicarbonate to alkalize food NOT digest food.  The only instrument you have in the body to digest food is your teeth.  So chew your food well into an alkaline state as the salivary glands, the pHylorus glands, the bile secretions, the pancreatic secretions and the intestines are all secreting sodium bicarbonate to alkalize the ingested food to an ideal pH of 8.4 so the liquid food can be transformed into stem cells in the crypts of the small intestines.  When food is in its ideal liquid alkaline state this is when you can produce healthy blood cells that become the new healthy body cells of your glands, organs and tissues.

There is no need for enzymes or digestive aids.  The natural alkaline foods we ingest will digest on their own from the inside out.  The saliva is an alkaline compound secreted on the food or liquids we ingest not to digest but to neutralize the acids coming out of the food when broken with our teeth.

There is NO WHERE in the human body that digests food!

Only the teeth begin the digestive process of the food to digest itself from the inside out.  Any food that does NOT digest on its own or cannot achieve a pH of 8.4 will only harm and damage the body tissues and organs and congest the elimination organs such as the kidneys. bowels, lungs and skin over time.

Meat is a perfect example of a food that will NOT digest on its own of alkalize.  Meat will not liquify.  Meat can never achieve a pH of 8.4 because of its high acids of uric, sulphuric, phosphuric and nitric acid.  Therefore, there is no benefit from eating the flesh of another living being.  You cannot digest it.  You cannot alkalize it.  You cannot convert it into stem cells.  It is dead lifeless food that can only sit in your gut to ferment and rot your body.

All liquids and solids you put into your mouth has to be alkalized to a pH of 8.4 in order to be converted into stem cells in the crypts of the small intestines.

When we have an alkaline mouth, stomach, and intestines we are healthy.  The core alkaline health of the body is the key to living longer and healthier.

Bottom-line bananas are NOT a health food but a high sugar acid food that can lead to sickness and dis-ease.  Anyone eating high sugar fruit like bananas are addicted to sugar.  Face it and be truthful - you are addicted to sugar.  That is the real reason you eat high sugar fruit.

If you are tired, sick, underweight or fat then get off the high sugar acid fruit - especially bananas!  Stop eating acidic animal flesh!  Dairy foods are not for the belly or for the body - stop eating acidic dairy.  And finally, start eating alkalizing sprouted grains and stop eating cooked grains.

Start the pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet and within 30 days you will feel and know the difference with increased health, energy and fitness.   It is a promise that will happen.  "You will walk and NOT be weary.  You will run and NOT faint."  And the best promise of all is the "power of the destroying angel will pass you by."  A life without sickness and disease.


by LaWanda Walters

                   on the occasion of a politician's remark
                   that the Colorado shooting
                   is the result of religion not being taught in our schools

How would it be to fuck a bee?
I assume Mike Huckabee knows.
And as he spits out biblical fire, his nose
just grows and grows
until, one day, he feels a sting,
a tiny prick that smarts and swells.
A narrow fellow in the grass
has raised itself to hiss,
“Mr. Huckabee, you are an ass!”

LaWanda Walters’ poems have been published in The Georgia Review, The Antioch Review (with another poem forthcoming), Shenandoah, Ploughshares, Cincinnati Review, Best New Poets 2007, Poetry Daily, Sou'wester, and other periodicals.

Friday, July 27, 2012

What are the benefits of L-Arginine Max

In 1998 three American scientists won the Nobel Prize in medicine for discovering the role that Nitric Oxide plays in the cardiovascular system and throughout the body. Nitric Oxide (NO) has since been called the “Miracle Molecule”.

Nitric Oxide has been found to relax and enlarge blood vessels, prevent blood clots that cause strokes and heart attacks, regulate blood pressure, reduce stress on the heart, improve circulation and reduce accumulation of acidic plaque from an acidic lifestyle and diet in blood vessels. L-arginine Max also boosts HGH production, increases lean muscle mass, preserves bone density and supports a healthy sexual performance. You might say that L-arginine Plus is a natural form of Viagra.

Many published studies have proven that L-arginine, a vital amino acid, triggers cell production of Nitric Oxide and that L-citrulline is metabolized in the body and yields more L-arginine, which in turn provides additional Nitric Oxide for longer periods of time - upo to 24 hours. L-citrulline also helps promote healthy energy levels in the body.

L-arginine Max™ combines L-arginine with L-Ornithine Monohydrochloride, L-Citrulline, Magnesium Chloride, Co-Q 10, Resveratrol, Pomegranate, Grape Seed Extract and other vital nutrients in a breakthrough formulation which assists the body in achieving exceptional cardiovascular health and sexual health.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is L-arginine Max™ less expensive than other Nitric Oxide supplements?

Many suppliers charge what the market will bear. A more current business model, however, is to offer a superior product directly to the consumer at rock bottom prices, thereby increasing sales volume as well as long term customer satisfaction.

What is L-arginine Max™ ?

L-arginine Max™ is a blend of the amino acids L-arginine, L-Ornithine Monohydrochloride and L-Citrulline, that cause increase production levels of Nitric Oxide (NO) in the body. The efficacy of L-arginine & L-citrulline in the cardiovascular system have been validated by many scientific clinical studies and L-Ornithine helps to produce human growth hormone.

What are the active ingredients in L-arginine Max™ ?

Key ingredients include L-arginine, L-ornithine, L-citrulline, Folic Acid, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Vitamin K, Vitamin D3, Magnesium Chloride, Co-Q 10, Resveratrol, Pomegranate, and Grape Seed Extract.

How does L-arginine Max™ provide anti-aging benefits?

L-arginine Max supplementation has been shown to encourage the pituitary gland to release human growth hormone (HGH). As the body ages, HGH levels decrease. L-arginine Max provides anti-aging benefits by boosting natural HGH production in the body with the amino acid L-ornithine.

Are there any age limits for taking L-arginine Max™?

The L-arginine Max formula can be used as a nutritional supplement for all ages. The recommended dosages on the bottle are based upon a man or woman who weighs 70 K or 154 lbs. The dosage is adjusted up or down based upon weight not age.

Is L-arginine Max™ safe to use?

The ingredients in L-arginine Max have a history of being safe. As with any dietary nutritional supplement, when being treated for a medical condition, always consult with your health care provider regarding the use of L-arginine Max.

What about the protocols? Are there any special instructions?

L-arginine Max™ is easy to use and requires no complicated protocols. Just mix one serving with 3 to 4 ounces of alkaline water twice a day (preferably on an empty stomach).

Do you have to take L-arginine Max™ on an empty stomach to get the benefits?

For maximum benefit, L-arginine Max™ should be taken on an empty stomach. All benefits are certainly not lost by taking L-arginine Max™ with foods or beverages, but the maximum benefits may be reduced.

What is the product sweetened with? Can you describe the taste of L-arginine Max?

Unlike all other L-arginine products our pH Miracle L-arginine Max contains NO added natural or artificial sweetners. It has zero carbohydrates/sugars and therefore will not cause an increase in dietary acids in the digestive tract, blood or body tissues.

Why Do YOU Need L-arginine Max?

Arginine, also known as L-arginine, is involved in a number of different functions in the body.

They include:
  • wound healing
  • helping the kidneys remove waste products from the body
  • maintaining immune and hormone function
As a natural dietary nutritional supplement, L-arginine has garnered particular attention for its possible heart benefits. L-arginine has shown to reduce high blood pressure and clear the acidic plaque from arteries.

What Are the Benefits of L-Arginine Max?

In the body, the amino acid arginine changes into nitric oxide (NO). Nitric oxide is a powerful neurotransmitter that helps blood vessels relax and also improves blood and lymphatic circulation.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease

The Yin - Young Balance Achieved Through A pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet

The balance between greens, oil, water, and salt is the expression of extraordinary health and vitality achieved through the pH Miracle lifestyle and diet.  The "S" in the middle represents the sodium ions or mineral salts holding the drop of alkalne water and the leaf of green chlorophyll together. And so it is with the human body. Green chlorophyll and  Omega oils for building healthy blood in a body of alkaline water or plasma at a pH of 7.365, held together in a matrix of sodium ions or mineral salts. This balance between green chlorophyll, omega oil, alkaline water and sodium ions or mineral salts forms the human anatomy and physiology that houses our eternal spirit body that creates a new organization of two dissimlar matters called a SOL and our perfect nature and expression of a healthy, vibrant, living being..

The Best Omega Oils to Ingest For Healthy Blood

Polyunsaturated oil builds the membranes of stem cells, blood cells, body cells and buffers metabolic and dietary acids. They are essential to good strong healthy blood and body cells which in turn gives rise to a strong healthy body.  The attached picture is of the Borage Plant one of the ingredients of our pH Miracle Omega 3, 6 and 9 oil.

Treatment Progress of Melanoma - Reversing Skin Cancer of the Scalp

Most cancers produce a very high amount of heat from the additional blood flow they gain while growing, which is visible on Thermal Imaging as a white/red area.
Melanoma is a cancer that develops in melanocytes, the pigment cells present in the skin. It can be more serious than the other forms of skin cancer because it may spread to other parts of the body (metastasize) and cause serious illness and death. About 50,000 new cases of melanoma are diagnosed in the United States every — with Ph Miracle, Shelley Young, Ben Johnson, Robert O Young and Robert Young.

True Health Care Does NOT Begin With Obama Care

True healthcare reform starts in your home vegetable and fruit garden and definitely NOT in Washington, D.C.
The only thing that stands between a person and their own perfect health (pH) is information. Empowered with the right intelligent information, anyone can improve their health, reduce their dependence on prescription drugs, enhance their quality of life, expand their mental awareness and creativity and live longer and happier. To learn the intelligent information for pHerfect health (pH) read: The pH Miracle Revised and

The Secret Addictive Ingredients in Tabacco

Are you trying to quit smoking or know someone who is?  Smoking is a sugar addiction.  Sugar is the secret ingredient and the major addictive ingredient in tabacco.  After harvesting the tabacco leaves they are hung out to dry and then coated with sugar.  Smoking tabacco is like smoking burnt sugar. That is why anyone who tries to quit smoking has severe cravings for sugar.  The second additive ingrdient in tabacco is nicotine.  These two acidic compounds in tabacco makes smoking so dangerous to overall health.  Of all diagnosed cancers 90 percent are lung cancers.  Out of the 90 percent lung cancer diagnosis, 90 percent are caused by smoking sugar/nicotine laced tabacco.  Share these two tips to overcome the hardest parts of smoking cessation.

#1) For reducing sugar and nicotine withdrawal symptoms, use a spray of pHlavor salts every hour and anytime you have a craving for tabacco or sugar.

#2) Deal with the oral fixation and hand-to-mouth habit, not by eating lemon drops, but by using a nebulizer of 5ml of pH Miracle pHlavor salt and inhale for 30 minutes twice a day. The added benefit of the nebulizer is that it supports cilia coordination, breaks up congestion and the accumulated acid cyrstals in the lungs. Cilia dis-coordination and sugar and nicotine acid crystals are the reason for the smokers cough that accompanies trying to quit.

You can learn more about the pH Miracle pHlavor Salts by going to:


by Ed Plunkett

One nuclear weapon
Two matching Jeremy Lin Houston Rockets jerseys
Three bottles of that plum liquor I had a couple of weeks ago
Four free downloads of the bride’s song, “Excellent Horse-Like Lady”
Five Olympic women’s soccer players to replace the ones who tested positive for deer glands
Six party talks that proves effective
Seven Portuguese world cup soccer goals to be removed retroactively
Eight defectors to come back from the South to the Fatherland
Nine more years for the Dear Leader to spend in Switzerland
Ten nuclear weapons.

Ed Plunkett is from Columbus, Ohio. He has represented Writers' Block Poetry at the Individual World Poetry Slam in Berkeley in 2009 and has been a featured reader at the Columbus Arts Festival as well as other venues in Central Ohio. He has published the chapbook Nobody’s Poet, the CD I'm Not From Here and has been in the journal The Legendary and the anthology Buzzkill: Apocalypse. His goal is to read in all of Ohio's 88 counties. He has a long way to go

Thursday, July 26, 2012


by Gloria

Andy Warhol. Mammy.

As it goes, even J-Lo was maid up to remain the same
Driving Miss Lazy just sticks to
The same crazy creed
racist fantasy greed
Everyone else is maid to serve their old rule colonial need

In just one movie Latifah, Alicia, and two more mammywood made
all 4 one white child
played the past present
set in a time period when they were the ones being kicked to the ground
and as always, through all their plight and nerve
they were timed to serve
How many  actress' or actor' does it take to mammy make for the sake of
1 white 1

Can you count all those mammy movies with me?
Back to Freeman
played a god the right way
all the to save  1 white guy
as a prisoner
all to aid the only innocent  1 white guy
and even in Glory
same ole story
all there to support  1 white guy story
in Batman
Which some know is really black man
His smarts are displayed for the aid of  1 white guy
Miss Lazy did drive Mr. Freeman to award
Denzel maid to protect
What the heck, for consistency
just make it be, same white child again
And, Mr. Washington was awarded
for lesson he gave in mad bad cop acting to
purify the acting role of  1 white guy
and NO in this century
Latifah and LL Cool J would not have it their way
2 play just for romance
Again, forced into mammy dance
Ms. Berry knows the sad game
She had to play the roles just the same
Even Don Cheadle got stuck with the mammy need all
Now they got little black girls
playing "the little girl no one loved"
everyone around her is unfurled of any sympathy
making me wanna hurl
her teacher, a meth-head
and instead she is slapped back
mammy wrapped to care for  1 white guy

There is no independence
Not player hating
Just tired racists mating actors to play only in their mammy holds
over and over and over again
Gotta get over

Gloria is a Brooklyn, NY born poet and performer. Her poetry appears in arts publication D#6, D#3 in Amsterdam, and US lit 'zines  BlazeVox, A Gathering of the Tribes, LUNGFULL!, Interview Magazine, and Aloud, Nuyorican Poets Anthology. A former member of "The Pussy Poets" (defunct 90's, NY based spoken-word performance female ensemble), she has read and performed at KGB Bar, The Bowery Poetry Club, St. Marks Poetry Project, The Nuyorican Poets Cafe, Exit Art/The First World, Barnes & Nobles Bookstore/NY (for Tribes magazine), ABC No Rio, NY Open Center, Blue Stockings Bookstore in NYC.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


by Ed Shacklee

Propaganda Poster by Bas van Oerle

How do I love thee, Mitt?  Dear weathervane:
I love your trees, which are the proper height,
I love the tax returns you hide from sight,
And your uniquely retroactive flight
from outsourcing our country’s jobs at Bain.
I love your boardrooms, filled with sycophants,
and how you chose, not Vietnam, but France.
I love how you contort when you explain,
your forked tongue, each consonant and vowel;
I love how you resemble Thurston Howell.
I love thee to the vaults and snow-capped mounts
of Switzerland; your shy, offshore accounts.
I love how come November, Mitt, we’ll gloat
if you, or God, don’t take away my vote.

Ed Shacklee is a public defender who represents young people in the District of Columbia.  His poems have appeared at The Flea, Light Quarterly, The Raintown Review, Shot Glass Journal and Tilt-a-Whirl, among other places.

Monday, July 23, 2012


by Becky Harblin

Image source: Ecologist

Tomato plants droop,
the apple trees are dropping fruit,
and the large leaves of shade plants are dusty and limp.

I scoop up the thick air
and clamp my hands to my face.
My nostrils flare
working to breathe the nothing good
that sits heavy in my palm.

I try again,
wave at the air, stretch out my arm,
as a magician about to reveal the trick.
I cup my fingers to grasp what is a right,
a right to breathe fresh air.
But, I am a magician with no magic.

The sheep cry in the pasture for green
soft, July grass.
And I have no magic.

Who does?

Who will be the one to deliver fresh air and water?
Perhaps I need a permit from Monsanto, or P&G, or is it Exxon?

Becky Harblin lives on a small 'farm' in upstate New York. She works as a reflexologist, and artist: sculptor, painter and poet. She takes much of her inspiration from her surroundings. Her poetry has been published on New Verse News, and in a book by Glover Publishing titled Eating the Bread of this World which will be released in September.


a pantoum
by Meg Eden 

Joker-red hair, dyed in the sink.
Always alone, white boy—
Alone, rider. Alone, burrito-eater. 
Even Anne won’t share your apartment.

Always alone, white boy—
What’d you think this is, a movie?
Even Anne won’t share your apartment,
though you flirt, will you visit me in prison?

What’d you think this is, a movie?
The bullets shot into the next theater.
You flirt. Will you visit me in prison? 
You don’t pretend you didn’t do it.

The bullets shot into the next theater.
A boy crawling under the seats.
You don’t pretend you didn’t do it,
but tell them about the mined apartment.

A boy crawling under the seats.
The woman didn’t move when I shook her—
But tell them about the mined apartment,
tell them, you don’t discriminate who dies.

The woman didn’t move when I shook her—
There was blood on the stairs.
Tell them, you don’t discriminate who dies,
six year old girl. Twenty seventh birthday.

There was blood on the stairs.
This isn’t part of the movie.
Six year old girl, twenty seventh birthday,
It's always the quiet ones who take you.

This isn’t part of the movie.
Comic book adrenaline like tear-gas.
It's always the quiet ones who take you.
Don’t you know your own mind, Neuroscience?

Comic adrenaline, book like tear-gas—
Alone, rider. Alone, burrito-eater. 
Don’t you know your own mind, Neuroscience?
Joker-red hair. Died in the sink. 

Meg Eden has been published in various magazines and anthologies and is the recipient of the 2012 Henrietta Spiegel Creative Writing Award. Her collection Your Son has received The Florence Kahn Memorial Award. Her collection Rotary Phones and Facebook is to be released in summer 2012 by Dancing Girl Press.

Sunday, July 22, 2012


by Wayne Scheer

"i wanted to write
a poem
that rhymes
but revolution doesn't lend
itself to be-bopping."

Nikki Giovanni wrote that
in 1968,
and although
we've stopped tossing around
the word revolution
like Naples pizza bakers,
her poem
still speaks.

Like Nikki,
I'd like to write about
green trees
and blue skies
but with massacres
in Colorado and Syria
all I see is red.

I try turning away
from gory death images
but talk of Romney's taxes
and Obama's birth certificate
fill my ears
like so much
cesspool slime.

"perhaps these are not poetic
at all,"
Nikki wrote.

I nod,
what the hell happened
to the revolution.

Wayne Scheer has been nominated for four Pushcart Prizes and a Best of the Net.  He's published stories, poems and essays in print and online, including Revealing Moments, a collection of flash stories, published by Thumbscrews Press ( Wayne lives in Atlanta with his wife and can be contacted at wvscheer(at)


The Alkalizing Health Benefits of Celery

1)  Anti Cancer: Celery is known to contain at least eight families of Anti-Cancer or Anti-Acid compounds. Among them are the acetylenics that have been shown to stop the growth of tumor cells. Phenolic  which blocks the action of prostaglandins that encourage the growth of tumor or cancerous cells. And coumarins which help prevent metabolic and dietary acids from damaging cells.  One of the active alkalizing compounds in celery is the phytochemical coumarin, which has been proven effective in cancer prevention and capable of enhancing the activity of certain white blood cells that help remove cancerous cells. The phytochemical coumarins prevent the formation and development of cancerous cells of the colon and stomach.

2 ) Pneumonia - Celery is a well known vegetable for supporting the immune system to help reduce metabolic and dietary acid. Celery is packed with antioxidants or alkalizing compounds that transforms bacteria, yeast and acids that cause inflammation.

3 ) Hay Fever: Celery comes on top of the list for foods that alleviates the acidic allergy symptoms. Also on that list are ginger, peppermint, parsley, turmeric, chamomile and cabbage.

4 ) Lower blood pressure: Drinking celery juice every day for a week significantly helps to lower blood pressure by reducing acidic plaque. An alkalzing compound called phtalides helps to relax the muscle around arteries, dilating the vessels and allowing blood to flow normally. To be effective, drink the juice for one week, stop for three weeks, and start over.

5 ) Cholesterol: This humble pale juice has been shown to effectively and significantly lower total cholesterol and LDL (bad) cholesterol by simply lowering dietary and metabolic acids.

6 ) Inflammation: The alkalizing compound polyacetylene in celery is an amazing relief for all acids that cause inflammation causing the acidic symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Gout, Asthma and Bronchitis.

7 ) Kidney function: Celery promotes healthy and normal kidney function by aiding elimination of acidic toxins from the body. While eliminating acidic toxins, it also prevents formation of kidney stones.

8 ) Diuretic: The alkalizing elements of potassium and sodium in celery juice helps to regulate body fluid and stimulate urine production, making it an important help to rid the body of excess fluid.

9 ) Nervous system: The organic alkaline minerals in celery juice has a calming effect on the nervous system, making it a wonderful drink for insomniacs.

10 ) Menopausal Symptoms : Celery, along with dill, fennel, anise and all tasty herbs of the celery family, are amongst the list of mildly oestrogenic herbs, due to the gently oestrogenic phtyochemical anethole. They all have 40 to 50 alkalzing phytochemicals and are a mix of anethole, apigenin, kaempferol, luteolin and quercitin. All these alkalizing compounds are very good at alliviating all acidic symptoms of menopausal symptoms, such as hot flashes, and contributes to the preventio of heart disease and osteoporosis but without the side-effects of HRT treatment.

11 ) Memory Loss : Celery contai
ns an alkalizing compound called luteolin, which has shown promise for lowering levels of plaque-forming proteins in the brain.This, in turn, can counteract risk factors for Alzheimer's, including the acid caused symptoms of atherosclerosis, inflammation and oxidative damage. Another source of luteolin is flaxseed.

12 ) Urinary stones, breaking down of: The diuretic effect of celery juice also aids the breaking and elimination of acid created urinary and gall bladder stones. With loads of analgesic, anti-inflammatory or anti-acidic and diuretic compounds, as well as some calcium blockers, celery seed extracts seem appropriate for buffering the acids that cause bladder İnfections. Celery seeds are said to improve the quantity and quality of urine and are a useful diuretic for acidic urinary tract outfections

13 ) Bursitis: Two of the best natural sources of COX-2 inhibitors are celery and celery seeds, which contain high amounts of pain killing  or acid killing apigenin.   This helps to reduce the acids that cause bursitis and many other inflammatory conditions.   The benefits from including celery in your diet or making a tea from freshly crushed celery seeds will reduce dietary and metabolic acids that cause inflammation or the symptom bursitis.

14 ) Constipation: The natural laxative effect of celery helps to relieve constipation. It also helps relax nerves that have been overworked by man-made laxatives.

15 ) Acidity: The important minerals in this magical juice effectively balance the body's blood and tissue pH, neutralizing dietary and metabolic acids.  It also helps neutralize the acids in the mouth, stomach and bowels and thus prevents inigestion, ulcers and stomach cancer.

16 ) Weight Lloss: Drink celery juice frequently throughout the day. It helps curb your cravings for acidic sweets and acidic rich food.

The balance of water, salt and chlorophyll makes celery a
perfect alkalizing food in the prevention of sickness and disease.

Saturday, July 21, 2012


by Lynnie Gobeille

I lived out in the mountains of Colorado
One could say I spent my Youth out there
Spent it with wild passion
Spent it foolishly.
In the winter I’d come
Crashing down mountains
Skies strapped to my feet
In the spring I’d climb
Up those same mountains
Above Timberline
And begin again
To believe in God and Love and Hope.
I left a husband back there
A son
Have thought of them both quite often.
I spent last night
Sipping on a glass of Bourbon
Goggling their names
Search engine running
Beating as fast as my heart
Wondering why
It takes hearing of a mass shooting
To create the need the want the desire
To hear their voices
One last time.

Lynnie Gobeille is one of the co-founders of  The Origami Poems Project, a world wide “free poetry event” based in Rhode Island. She has  published in The Sow's Ear Review, Crone’s Nest, The Avatar, The Prairie Home Companion, This I Believe (NPR), New Verse News, The Providence Journal (Poetic License) and The Naugatuck River Review.  Her  micro-chapbooks have been published by The Origami Poems Project.

A Message To My Critics - Read, Study, Ponder, Listen and Learn!

(Dr Robert O. Young is pictured with Professor Lawrence Carter, Dean of the Martin Luther King Chapel at More House College, Atlanta, Georgia and Shelley Redford Young.  Dr. Carter stated, "Dr. Robert O. Young is the Martin Luther King of the 21st Century.")

After almost 30 plus years of studying and learning about acid – base balancing in vertebrates, and the same number of years attempting to share what I have observed and learned, I am enormously gratified to see the larger scientific community beginning to recognize and validate my work. It has been a long journey out of darkness. Almost every day now some new scientific paper is published that validates my work. Recently at a scientific conference I heard a noted scientist say, “In certain conditions, we believe it is better to have the tissues properly alkalized.” He did not give me credit, but his knowledge came from my work. You have no idea how far the journey has been from where I started to hearing those words from a distinguished member of the scientific community.

I have lived with doubt and criticism for so long that I have come to understand it as actually encouraging and exciting.  No one takes the time to write to a newspaper about something that does not interest them. When people take the time to read, investigate and try to understand and then to sit down and write to an editor to complain, what they are really doing is asking questions; asking the author to explain his or her self; to defend their work. It is wonderfully energetic and encouraging to see people interested and asking questions. Asking questions is the first step towards knowledge. It is a sign of courage and intellectual bravery to ask questions and seek knowledge.

We, as humans, live in such profound darkness.  Not knowing what is in the dark is a very scary thing.  We, like children, need to know there are no boogey men under the bed.  The truth is adults are afraid too. We tell our children there are no boogey men, but we still look under the bed ourselves just to be sure.  The truth is we don’t know so much more than we do know. 

We live in a Universe of what Donald Rumsfeld, the former American Secretary of Defense, called “Unknown Unknowns”.  The more we learn, the more we realize how much we still don’t know.  Albert Einstein once quipped, “Intelligence is a very humbling thing. It makes us realize that what the greatest of us knows, pales in comparison to that which none of us knows”.  Knowledge is always being accumulated.  Much of it disturbs our serenity.  We want to believe we know at least most of what is to be known. But, alas, we know so very little.

We are much better off today than most humans were when they died in their 30′s, of things like infected teeth, which dentists today deal with so easily, and from minor wounds, that surgeons today routinely stitch up in minor medical clinics.  Our knowledge is greater than it was for even our parents.  We continue to learn, in spite of our very human desire to believe we already know most of what we need to know.  Today it is said that all of human knowledge is compounding about every 3 years.  In other words, we will learn more in the next 3 years than we have learned in our entire previous recorded history.  My work is in that record.  Today the medical professions, and healers around the world are just beginning to understand what I have been teaching for over 3 decades.

The very thing that people complain about, is actually a result of the broader acceptance of my work in the scientific community.  When someone writes,  "I…was shocked to discover a number of UK companies promoting practices and diets based on his theories.”  It both excites and encourages me that people are finally beginning to “get it.”  I can understand why “getting it” is so unnerving.  It recognizes that all along there has been a boogey man under the bed that we did not know was there!  The good news is, now that we know that living an acidic lifestyle will make us sick, and accelerate aging and hastens death, we can do something about it!  Just like now we can treat infected teeth and stitch up wounds, that once killed us at a very early age.

I still laugh every now and then about a joke I heard on the old American Hee Haw TV show years ago, “Junior” said, “A man told me he broke his leg in two places. I told him the thing to do was to stay out of those places!”  It’s the same with an acidic lifestyle.  If the things you are doing are making you sick, then stop doing them!

I have had people object to my saying that an HIV Virus does not cause AIDS.  A great percentage of the larger scientific community does not believe that either. I am in good company.  The way to shut us all up, is for someone to prove that HIV actually does cause AIDS.  That hasn’t been done, because it can’t be done.

Some people object to my theory of multiforms and origins of what are called bacteria and viruses.  But, you don’t have to know or understand the origins of these biological forms to understand that if your body is properly alkalized none of them can reproduce and none of them can cause any of the ill effects thought to be associated with them.  How these biological forms arise is, and has been for centuries, a great debate.  The proof of my work is in the results.  For at least a century, it has been known that cancers form and thrive only in overly acidic tissue.” I did not develop that knowledge, I only explained it.  Don’t blame the messenger for the message.

Diabetes is another condition that has been largely misunderstood.  For decades the way the medical community dealt with diabetes was only to treat the symptoms.  The symptoms were targeted, because it was not known what caused diabetes. I like to say, we have always known what caused diabetes, we just did not like the answer.  The answer has always been, change your Lifestyle, and change your diet!  But, we humans like our cures to fit our lifestyles not to adjust our lifestyles to prevent the conditions.  You want to turn diabetes around over night?  Get all of the animal proteins out of your diet, along with all of the simple carbohydrates and sugars, stop drinking acidic beverages, and eating highly acid foods, add back in the alkaline green plants and simply watch what happens.  Learn!
Here is something fun for your family members to do. Go on the Internet and Google “Eggs cause Diabetes.”  I have been saying that for years to howls of criticism.  Now the larger scientific community is beginning to understand what I have been saying, and my critics are stunned… What!?

 ALL animal proteins are acidic and cause degenerative conditions we like to call diseases.  Sorry.. it’s the message that is not liked.  I’m just the messenger.

One last thing, I get criticized frequently because I did not get my Ph.D. from Harvard or Johns Hopkins, or some other favored institution.  I wish I could have afforded those institutions, but the schools I attended were and are fine institutions.  Snob appeal does not make a good institution. We just love to establish ranks of exclusions.  In the U. S. to have attended a fine engineering school you need to have attended MIT, or Stanford… most recently California Institute of Technology has taken the lead, but the truth is Indian Institute of Technology in India is widely recognized as the finest engineering school in the world.  

Institutions do not make the quality of their students. The students make the quality of the Institutions.  In fact, institutions do not “teach” creativity or innovation.  All institutions do is teach what is presently known, not what is yet to be discovered.  More often than not, throughout time, our greatest discoveries have come from individuals with very little formal education, Steve Jobs from Apple,  Mark Zuckerberg, the guy that started Facebook and Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft.  Unfettered by dogma and entrenched lore, visionaries look at the world with new eyes and see things others could not.

I am very proud of the knowledge I was given by the institutions I attended, but I am most proud of the work I have done that has expanded that knowledge and built on what was known when I was in University… work that after 30 plus years is finally being recognized and validated… work that is finally reaching the victims of ignorance, and making a difference in their lives.

What I encourage everyone to do, especially my critics, is to continue to read, study, ponder, listen and learn; take charge of their own health, do what works! That is how I have come to all of my conclusions… watching and studying what works, and building on that evidence.  Scholars can argue about WHY an apple falls from the tree, but the important thing is to note is that it does!

- Dr. Robert O. Young

Friday, July 20, 2012

Portal Vein Thrombosis (PVT)

Portal vein obstruction results from thrombosis (blood clot) or narrowing of the portal vein, which brings blood to the liver from the intestines. 

Because the portal vein is narrowed or blocked, pressure in the portal vein increases. This increased pressure (called portal hypertension) causes the spleen to enlarge (splenomegaly). It also results in dilated, twisted (varicose) veins in the esophagus (esophageal varices) and often in the stomach (portal hypertensive gastropathy).

Doppler Ultrasonography usually confirms the diagnosis. It shows that blood flow through the portal vein is reduced or absent.