Wednesday, July 25, 2012


by Ed Shacklee

Propaganda Poster by Bas van Oerle

How do I love thee, Mitt?  Dear weathervane:
I love your trees, which are the proper height,
I love the tax returns you hide from sight,
And your uniquely retroactive flight
from outsourcing our country’s jobs at Bain.
I love your boardrooms, filled with sycophants,
and how you chose, not Vietnam, but France.
I love how you contort when you explain,
your forked tongue, each consonant and vowel;
I love how you resemble Thurston Howell.
I love thee to the vaults and snow-capped mounts
of Switzerland; your shy, offshore accounts.
I love how come November, Mitt, we’ll gloat
if you, or God, don’t take away my vote.

Ed Shacklee is a public defender who represents young people in the District of Columbia.  His poems have appeared at The Flea, Light Quarterly, The Raintown Review, Shot Glass Journal and Tilt-a-Whirl, among other places.

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