Saturday, July 28, 2012


by LaWanda Walters

                   on the occasion of a politician's remark
                   that the Colorado shooting
                   is the result of religion not being taught in our schools

How would it be to fuck a bee?
I assume Mike Huckabee knows.
And as he spits out biblical fire, his nose
just grows and grows
until, one day, he feels a sting,
a tiny prick that smarts and swells.
A narrow fellow in the grass
has raised itself to hiss,
“Mr. Huckabee, you are an ass!”

LaWanda Walters’ poems have been published in The Georgia Review, The Antioch Review (with another poem forthcoming), Shenandoah, Ploughshares, Cincinnati Review, Best New Poets 2007, Poetry Daily, Sou'wester, and other periodicals.

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