Tuesday, July 3, 2012


by David Chorlton

A myopia warning has been issued
for the Phoenix area
beginning now, with little relief
expected. The immediate effects
include distrust of immigrants
and unprecedented affection
for law enforcement. Following a long
dry spell, winds from the south
are stirring dust
into a desert coloured wall
due to pass through the city
and disrupt traffic. Pull over
to the side of the road. Wait
for as long as it takes
to see clearly again. When all men
appear to have been created equal,
it will be safe to move on.

David Chorlton was born in Austria, grew up in England, and spent several years in Vienna before moving to Phoenix in1978. The latest of his poetry collections is The Devil’s Sonata from FutureCycle Press. Although he became ever more interested in the desert and its wildlife, the shadow side of Vienna emerges in his fiction and The Taste of Fog, which was published by Rain Mountain Press.


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