Friday, August 17, 2012


by Gershon Hepner

Ayn Rand declared her first name, Ayn,
should be pronounced to rhyme with swine.
Since she first told us Atlas shrugged
a lot of people have been mugged
by randy views that she has triggered.
Paul Ryan clearly long has figured
how to lead us all by Ayning,
head in clouds whose silver lining
produced by clearcutting the  taxes
of those who’re rich by right-wing  axes,
allowing them with super-pacs
to contribute to those who ax.
By shrugging, just as Atlas did.
Paul’s vice-presidential bid
will, I hope, be terminated
by what Ayn very clearly stated
should be quite legal, an abortion,
ending doctrinaire distortion
of views that hopefully will fade
without the help of Roe v Wade.
Let’s not privately save Ryan,
Ayn’s most unscientific scion,
but publically with our large omni-
bus roll him with his mate  Mitt Romney.

Gershon Hepner was born in Leipzig in 1938, came to England one day before the Second World War, became a doctor in 1963, emigrated to the US in 1968, and has been living in Los Angeles since 1976. He has four children and nine grandchildren, and a wife who is a talented poetess. He has been writing an average of five poems a day since 1992.


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