Friday, August 10, 2012


by Pedro Poitevin

Why did I fabricate Bob Dylan quotes?
Please read this column I just published now,
I quote Professor Kahneman’s new notes

that tell the story—not just why, but how
a person as intelligent as I
would write the column I just published now

and then recycle it the moment my
New Yorker reputation needs a boost.
A person as intelligent as I

has a propensity, like Marcel Proust,
to make sure each and every detail fits.
If my good reputation needs a boost,

it’s not because I fabricated, it’s
because some readers haven’t had a chance
to make sure each and every detail fits.

Aren’t you curious about my stance?
Why did I fabricate Bob Dylan quotes?
Please give my article a second chance:
I quote extensively Kahneman’s notes.

A mathematician by profession, Pedro Poitevin is a bilingual poet living in Marblehead, Massachusetts. He is a contributor to Letras Libres. Other poems have appeared in Mathematical Intelligencer, Boston Literary Magazine, and Shit Creek Review, and other venues.

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