Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Poem by Charles Frederickson
Graphic by Saknarin Chinayote

Paralympics 26 sports 39 disciplines
Determination Inspiration Courage Equality
Facing every endurance test head-on
Prideful smiles emanating from within

These very special gifted athletes
Making most of God-given talents
Rigorous training empowers buoyant resilience
Determined to improve personal bests

Defeatist attitudes the real disability
Victors simply refuse to lose
Also-rans brilliant in valiant attempts
Gaining confidence next time victorious

Dominated by latest greatest hi-tech
Prosthetic limbs running on stilts
Wheelchairs of Fire blazing passionately
Steely flint nerves sparking victory

Success calculated choice not chance
Quitting not true grit option
Uncompromising pursuit of plucky excellence
Olympiad moments forever cherished memories

Respectful dignity treatment is non-negotiable
Heroic struggle overcoming daunting obstacles
Reaching beyond dark horse
Lubricated hugs soothe heartache kiss-offs

No Holds Bard Dr. Charles Frederickson and Mr. Saknarin Chinayote proudly present YouTube mini-movies @ YouTube – CharlesThai1 .

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