Sunday, September 30, 2012


by Michael Brockley
When he welcomed me into his home I was stunned with how handsome he is. His face like those of the leading men in the westerns my father watched. One daughter read Charlotte’s Web while sitting on the floor with her back against the sofa. The son who wants to be an astronaut flipped through a Watchmen novel while repeating the word freedom to his girlfriend on his Bluetooth. A citrus fragrance soothed the sunlit great hall. His wife dusted an autographed photograph of the bare-chested Russian prime minister riding a quarter horse in the woods surrounding Kyzyl. Around the pool, unsmiling maids sipped cocktails and snacked on a dish of walnuts, grapes and cheeses. He offered the grand tour. In the master bedroom, a worn Book of Mormon and The Qu’ran tented on a chair by a writing desk. A Bible opened to Isaiah atop a dresser. He carried the latest issue of Forbes with his picture on the cover. The one with the articles about complexity horizons and the paradox of exporting jobs for the poor. He’s kept in touch with the people he fired. Every year, a secretary sends them Christmas cards the weekend after Thanksgiving. His wife joined us on the patio after the maids left, having prepared a pitcher of lemonade and a tray of madeleines. She swept the deck around the chaise where he had spilled crumbs. After she left, he rummaged under the cushion until he found The Book of Orgasms. Let’s just keep my prose poem collection a secret between two entrepreneurs, he said, as he pulled The Rooster’s Wife from his shorts.

Michael Brockley is a 63-year old school psychologist who has worked in special education in rural northeast Indiana for 25 years. He has poetry publications in Wind, The Windless Orchard, Spitball, The Indiana Review, The Indiannual, The Spoon River Quarterly, The River City Review and The Ball State Literary Forum. Tom Koontz' Barnwood Press published his chapbook Second Chance in 1990, and he has lately placed work in Indiana publications such as Maize, Country Feedback, Flying Island, The TIpton Poetry Journal and Facing Poverty.  A video of Mike reading his "Hollywood's Poem" which was published in Facing Poverty can be found on YouTube. His poem "When the Woman in the White Sweater at the Cancelled Charles Simic Reading Asked If I Was David Shumate" was nominated for a Pushcart Prize by Barry Harris of the Tipton Poetry Journal.


by ayaz daryl nielsen

ayaz daryl nielsen is a poet/father/husband/veteran/x-roughneck (as on oil rigs)/x-hospice nurse (and still a nurse)/editor of the print pub bear creek haiku. His poetry has appeared in many fine publications including Yellow Mama, Lilliput Review and Christian Science Monitor.

Saturday, September 29, 2012


by John Palen

Image source: millslegacy

X percent of farm houses
stand empty. Or don’t stand
at all. Algorithms of corn
stretch to the horizon.

Nights stay hot,
and moon-shadows
slip like coyotes
across the fields

to drink and smoke joints
in cool, dry cisterns
that they have cleaned out
for clubhouses.

Only nighthawks
monitor the white puffs
of gross domestic product
rising into the stars.

John Palen has recent work in Poydras Review Blog, The Cossack, The New Poet, Citron Review, and Lingerpost. He lives and writes in Central Illinois.

Thursday, September 27, 2012


by Tamara Madison

Liberals flop around in sandals with their tits
hanging out.  They smell of patchouli
and smoke pot.  They have had lots of lovers
and lots of abortions and plan to have more.
They drive bashed-up foreign cars and eat food
that looks like hair.  They give money
to the creeps with the cardboard signs
at freeway exits.  They majored in psych
and work for government or non-profits.
Liberals are always women because
when they’re men, they look and act like women.

Conservatives wear clean shirts tucked in
and slacks, never jeans (unless they’re pressed).
They listen to the Kingston Trio
and the Everly Brothers when they’re driving
their big American cars.  They go to church
with their wives and children every Sunday
and have a huge secret stash of porn.  They favor
the all-American right of business to screw

customers if they can get away with it.
Conservatives are always men except when
they’re women, and then they’re zombies.

Tamara Madison is the author of the collection Wild Domestic (Pearl Editions; July, 2011) and the chapbook The Belly Remembers (Pearl Editions, 2004).  She was the featured poet in Pearl 43, and Moontide Press’s Poet of the Month in February, 2010.  Her work has appeared in numerous small press journals, including Chiron Review, Spot Lit, Hobble Street Review, Tears in the Fence.  Two of her poems were also recently featured on the Writers Almanac. Tamara has two grown children and teaches French and English in a high school in Los Angeles.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


by Judith Terzi

Eugène:        Why do you question the Holocaust?

Mahmoud:    Rabbits are hiding under lounge chairs.
                      Hares under chairs. Pears in pairs. Pears

                      in pairs.

Eugène:        You had doubts before. Do you still have
                      doubts, Mr. President?

Mahmoud:    Snow has just fallen in Telluride. I mean
                      Teheran. Bears hiding under stares. Bare
                      facts. Four and four are more. Or less.
                      There's a parasol in Paraguay. Onions
in Ontario. A parka in Parchin. A home
                      in Homs.

Eugène:        What should happen in Syria, Mr. President?

Mahmoud:    Snowflakes on women's eyelashes are beautiful.

Eugène:        Why is Faezeh Rafsanjani in prison?

Mahmoud:    Desperate housewives are lonely. This is not art.
                      This is a pipe. This is a schoolboy's project.
Bar codes glued to a canvas. Yellowy newspapers.
                      A faded blue hydrangea growing in the distance.
                      The distance may be a close-up option. Two plus
                      two under Assad's shoe. I like flowers. Les fleurs?

Eugène:        Have you read my play, Rhinoceros?

Mahmoud:    Mrs. Martin's tomatoes are rotten. Mrs. Smith's
                      mouth is dry. Fermez la bouche. We have no bald 
sopranos in Iran. We must educate against this. 
My lips are licked. Bugs under rugs. Tornadoes 
                      in Toledo. Gazelles in Gaza. Pachyderms left 
                      to die in zoos. Peace be with you. Vive la France!

Judith Terzi is a poet living in Southern California where she taught high school French for many years. Her poetry has received nominations for Best of the Net and Web and awards and recognition from journals such as dotdotdash, Mad Hatters', and Newport Review. Poems are forthcoming in American Society: What Poets See(FutureCycle Press), Poetry Project Erotic Poem Anthology (Tupelo Press), and elsewhere. Sharing Tabouli was published by Finishing Line in 2011.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


by Buff Whitman-Bradley

On a cold clear night
A thousand years from now
An amateur astronomer
Somewhere in our galaxy
Scans the star-splashed blackness
Through her powerful telescope
And focuses on a vivid blue dot she has
Not seen before
She types its coordinates into her computer
And reads the entry:

K129XX73PSI: A small planet in the R472  region of our galaxy.  The planet has great topographical diversity, including mountain ranges, vast plains and large bodies of water. Its atmosphere contains heavy concentrations of carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and ozone. Weather patterns are turbulent and chaotic.  Of interest due to evidence suggesting it once supported a highly complex and thriving community of living organisms, including, for a brief time, a species capable of building cities and roads.  Currently there are no signs of life of any kind.

The amateur astronomer
Goes to the kitchen to make a cup of tea
And as she sips
She wonders what happened on K129XX73PSI
Was it a single apocalyptic event
That destroyed all life in a flash
Or a gradual deterioration
Preceding total collapse
She pictures final agonies
But has to turn away

Back at her telescope
She takes another look at the blue dot
But she has no heart now
For exploring the cosmos
She raises her cup to the night sky
To wish a peaceful rest
For the spirits of K129XX73PSI’s departed
And to bid all beings Godspeed
On their journey through the glittering dark

Buff Whitman-Bradley's poetry has appeared in many print and online journals.  With his wife Cynthia he is co-producer/director of the award-winning documentary film, Outside In,  and co-editor of the forthcoming book About Face: GI Resisters Turn Against War (PM Press, 2011).  He is also co-producer/director of the documentary Por Que Venimos.


by Jen Hinton

At least two recent incidents in which empty chairs were hung from trees by rope have critics decrying what they say are racially offensive displays meant to symbolize the “lynching” of President Barack Obama. --NBC News

When I see an empty chair dangling
from a tree, makes me wonder,
Who ruined the Feng Shui?

Perhaps a rampaging tornado
or a vile hurricane blew it up there,
whipped up on the fury of rhetoric?

Likely also, a duty-bound sheriff
at the behest of a ravaging investment broker, 
upchucked that post-eviction relic?

Or heck, maybe the chair himself
had enough of these petty people’s
buttocks down here on Terra Firma
and crawled up there on his own?

Tree limbs and tree bark, beckoned
his wooden legs, “Come back brother,
you were once one of us.”

Chair with the good sense to know.
Now up on high, he’s acquired the
vantage point of the birds and squirrels
who are also brainless;
he's up there now,
looking down at the asses of Earth.

Jen Hinton is a writer and college administrator living in Schaumburg, IL. Her previous NVN poem, Something for Harvey, was nominated for a Pushcart Prize.

Sunday, September 23, 2012


by Judy Kronenfeld

after the national political conventions
An early September Monday: we drove on impulse
to a beach in Orange County, away from the viscous,
sulfurous air of our inland valley, smelling of rotten fish—
it turned out—churned up by a storm system
sweeping over the Salton Sea. We tossed into our ’97
mini-van (dents, chipped paint, tattered Obama stickers)
a beach umbrella inherited from my parents
(its two poles still bearing the scotch-tape
of my father’s useless fix) and a couple of new
easy-fold canvas chairs. When we arrived,
thin cloud wisps seemed to stretch
their arms out, respiring; the blue air
was a gift again.  

On one of many streets filled with well-kept
houses, neck-on-neck, that didn’t shout
their hefty worth, a lucky parking spot,
steps from the steep path to the sand
blessed our impetuous decision. The shine
of breeze-swept light recalled the luxe gloss
of the blond college students it had seemed
to blend with, decades before,
when I’d taught, temporarily,
at an O.C. school—a privileged opposite-

But there were people of color in the surf,
some older folks like ourselves in street clothes,
slipping off outer shirts and shoes, as well
as young girls in bikinis—fat and thin.

We read with the concentration of time out
from time for a few hours in the rigged
umbrella’s shade, were soothed by the rhythmic chords
and melodic backwash of the sea, freed a little,
until the sun grew fierce and we plodded
up the slope—then—uh-oh—plucked a note
that had been stuck under our windshield wiper:

I felt a chill, as if I were a suddenly
feverish child with sunburn she didn’t know
she had, after a morning of careless play.
I looked up at the nearest house and this time
saw infinity pool, wine cellar, subterranean
seven-car garage

And—Ph.D. or not—I was—my immigrant
parents, shlepping a vinyl hamper of salami
on rye and hard-boiled eggs on a day trip
to Bronx-on-the-sea Far Rockaway—
only this was more like they’d taken
a wrong turn to the Hamptons; I belonged again
to people for whom a “beach house”
meant two rented rooms in a ramschackle Victorian
the summers they could afford them,
and grey-faced Daddy taking the train out
Fridays after work for a weekend of luft.

My husband, furious, undoubtedly thinking
bitter white guy, rich, or even poor,

scrambled for a pen, and scrawled
under the block letters, nearly breaking its tip:

Now what? Run to a Xerox
and pamphlet the neighborhood?
We stood with the helpless paper
in his hands. He folded it up
and pushed it into a crevice
on the sidewalk. And we drove

Judy Kronenfeld’s most recent collections of poetry are Shimmer (WordTech Editions, 2012) and the second edition of  Light Lowering in Diminished Sevenths, winner of The Litchfield Review Poetry Book Prize for 2007 (Antrim House, 2012). Recent anthology appearances include Before There Is Nowhere to Stand: Palestine/Israel: Poets Respond to the Struggle (Lost Horse Press, 2012) and Love over 60: An Anthology of Women's Poems (Mayapple Press, 2010). Her poems have appeared in many print and online journals such as Adanna, Calyx, Cimarron Review, The American Poetry Journal, Fox Chase Review, The Hiram Poetry Review, Natural Bridge, New Verse News, The Pedestal, Poetry International, The Spoon River Poetry Review, Stirring, and The Women’s Review of Books.

Reversing Breast Cancer with the pH Miracle "LIFE" style

The following is an unsolicited testimony of Deborah Tumlinson who reversed her
breast cancer without surgery, radiation or chemical therapy.  She wrote this
letter in response to a critic of Dr. Robert Young's work and its efficacy.

I am a breast cancer patient who went to PH Miracle Ranch and was helped and
healed. I was scheduled for a bilateral mascetomy that was recommended by my
two doctors. I was resigned to the fact that I would lose both my breasts and
would have to endure months of chemo and radiation. This was my destiny
I was scheduled on thursday june 15 for that surgery and I was recommended to
the ranch by a friend June 11 to consult with Dr Young..

When I met with Dr Young and his staff he explained the entire program but first
he referred me for tests with my medical doctors (my primary and vascular

After the medical results were obtained and we could see all my medical issues,
he then recommended a change in food, exercise and totally new lifestyle
program. I was skeptical to say the least. He asked me to give it two weeks and
I agreed.

After two weeks I lost 15 lbs, my high blood sugar was reduced in half , my
cholesteral was reduced in half. I had been diagnosed with a fatty liver,
bacterial and fungal infections and of course stage 3 breast cancer all were
greatly improved as evidenced by my ultrasound tests, these tests were not
adminstered by Dr. Young. They were performed by another medical doctor who saw
the marked improvements.

When I came to the ranch I was constantly in pain and on pain medications (
percocet, oxycodone and oxycontin). So much pain meds I could not drive. Those
two weeks changed my life forever. I no longer have headaches, low energy or
sugar cravings. Dr Young explained that cancer feeds on sugar. When I stopped
eating dairy, sugar, grains and processed foods my body started to heal.

My traditional doctors were amazed with my results and ordered new tests. These
tests were after 8 weeks on the PH Miracle program. The third ultrasound
showed my tumor reduced by 40 %. This was all without surgery radiation or
chemo. They tried to reason away a 3.18 CM tumor now down to 1.5 CM. They could
not and they insisted I get chemo or radiation. The cancer had not spread to my
lymph nodes or my other vital organs. I was diagnosed with invasive form of
breast cancer. When I asked what caused my cancer no one could say. Yet they
kept telling me I would die without their treatment. My most recent test show
62% reduction down to .7 cm for my tumor. All these results from PH Miracle
Plan not from surgery, not from chemo, and not from radiation.

The point of this email is to tell you that you do not have all the facts. You
are not the only one who was skeptical. I was in fact going to give my money to
someone after reading about his arrests but the whole truth is Dr Young and his
wife Shelley Redford Young have dedicated 35 years to helping people. Check
their website where hundreds of people testify to the own Ph Miracles.

There are two sides to every story but the truth lies in the middle. The
comments on the internet are to scare people away. Your comments may frighten
someone that the ranch may help. Watch the videos. No one is paid for them and
yet they sit down and tell their stories.

I have a lot of respect for this Dr who is so passionate that he was willing to
be ARRESTED for his program. The fact is he was arrested but the charges were
dropped and both cases have been expunged. I know because I paid $25 to check
the records and I have them. I wanted to know for myself.

I know your intentions were to help but I implore you to read the literature,
watch the videos and know that there are thousands of patients like me who have
a PH Miracle. Allow these patients who have been told they have no hope or a
chance get their miracle.
I have mine and will be forever grateful. Words could never express my

Sincerely a PH Miracle,

Deborah Tumlinson

Saturday, September 22, 2012


While He Roamed Around Preaching

by Earl J. Wilcox

She could have washed his long robes
preparing them for his next excursion

into the hills, the Jewish temples, near
caves and grape vineyards where he preached.

She could have repaired his sandals
the ones he must have worn out many times

from walking and preaching, his favorite
methods of spreading his Gospel. She could

have kept the home fires burning during
the many long nights, days, and years

while her husband was gone from their humble
dwelling place most of his life. She might have

wept with her mother-in-law on a craggy hill
called Golgotha where he was crucified.

Earl J. Wilcox writes about aging, baseball, literary icons, politics, and southern culture. His work appears in more than two dozen journals; he is a regular contributor to The New Verse News. More of Earl's poetry appears at his blog, Writing by Earl.


by Brigitte Goetze

Photo source: The Telegraph

It's now confirmed that virtually all the tar balls that washed ashore on the Alabama  Gulf Coast since hurricane Isaac last month are linked to the 2010 BP oil spill. BP says it hasn't seen the study, and they're working to remove the tar balls that are on the beaches. (NBC News)

Bound like witches, their feathers tarred,
trailing wings useless as limbs wrecked on a rack,
all cold, none able to hold anything
with beaks glued shut by crude,
weighed down, like medieval wise women sentenced to drown,
saved only if they can float.
Even the rookeries gooed, fouled
with vomit spewed forth by a far-off explosion:

Blow out! Fast! Fast! Shut the valves—
they are stuck! Top the well—
it’s gunked up! Kill the top—
it won’t stop! Tube the beast—
it still leaks! Pipe the oil, flare the gas—
it’s not enough! Spool and stack—
plugged at last.     But

currents schlepping toxic burdens, spreading
sludge and balls of tar, sliming marshes, soiling beaches.
Volunteers aid ailing turtles, otters, pelicans.
And slicks and plumes escaping booms
get hunted, sprayed, forced to disperse—
yet, dodgers settle, undetained, suffocating bottom life.
Creatures suffer out of sight.
Great the oceans, deep and wide, still—
don't believe this grave delusion:
the solution to pollution is dilution.

Brigitte Goetze, biologist, goat farmer, writer, lives in the foothills of Oregon 's Coast Range . Her most recent poems can be found in Four and Twenty, Outwardlink, and The River.


Thursday, September 20, 2012


by Michael Brockley

He’s among friends in Arizona. Slim white men who jog every day. Men whose wives wear yellow dresses. He has fond memories of yellow, like the Dandelion and Canary crayons he used to eat in art class. And the gormless expression he aroused when he squirted mustard on that sophomore’s bowling shirt in high school. He looks at the faces of success gathered around the tables before him, his necktie knotted in a goiter knot. He sips from a glass of Tasmanian Rainwater. Someone in the audience coughs and he begins to share his ideas for separating welfare cheats from the most dangerous men in America. An aside about wearing sidearms to the State Fair, like Rooster Cogburn, earns a standing ovation. He has sweatshops that are shovel-ready in Laos. Another drink. The eyes of his constituents hunger for a lucre beyond wealth, beyond the sculpted and pliant thighs of their clients’ daughters. Behind him tower charts with yellow arrows. Testimonials from toad-like men who hint at oil wells in the San Mariana Trench. He introduces a chain letter to the world for which only the most profligate donors may purchase introductory shares. The Tasmanian water is almost empty. Behind him the slide show pauses on a photograph of the candidate playing polo. He is leaning over his pony’s flank with the mallet in follow through. He is staring toward a distant goal, the pony foaming and slobbering at the bit.

Michael Brockley is a 63-year old school psychologist who has worked in special education in rural northeast Indiana for 25 years. He has poetry publications in Wind, The Windless Orchard, Spitball, The Indiana Review, The Indiannual, The Spoon River Quarterly, The River City Review and The Ball State Literary Forum. Tom Koontz' Barnwood Press published his chapbook Second Chance in 1990, and he has lately placed work in Indiana publications such as Maize, Country Feedback, Flying Island, The TIpton Poetry Journal and Facing Poverty.  A video of Mike reading his "Hollywood's Poem" which was published in Facing Poverty can be found on YouTube. His poem "When the Woman in the White Sweater at the Cancelled Charles Simic Reading Asked If I Was David Shumate" was nominated for a Pushcart Prize by Barry Harris of the Tipton Poetry Journal.


by Jude Cowan Montague

Pouring beans into plastic bottle to shake
make noise, to accompany a poet of Syria
calling for Freedom. Sssssh, that’s for the dark.
In daylight the activist has to buy
these threads in different shops so no one
finds out what she is sewing.

Jude Cowan Montague is a writer, artist and composer who lives in London. She works as an archivist for Reuters Television. Her first collection of poetry, For the Messengers, was published by Donut Press in 2011. Her second, The Groodoyals of Terre Rouge, will be published by Dark Windows Press in 2012. She makes musical improvisations on Reuters stories and these are available on the Parisian-based netlabel Three Legs Duck.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


by David Feela

Mitt Romney - Illustration

The ten percent in the center, Mitt,
will remember in November

before they exit the polling booth
to choose their votes

more carefully than your
less elegant words,

and they won’t be voting off the cuff,
and the point they’ll be making

will leave no chad hanging,
and the hole they leave behind

will be no bigger
than the eye of a needle.

David Feela writes a monthly column for The Four Corners Free Press and for The Durango Telegraph. A poetry chapbook, Thought Experiments, won the Southwest Poet Series. His first full length poetry book, The Home Atlas appeared in 2009. His new book of essays, How Delicate These Arches  , released through Raven's Eye Press, has been chosen as a finalist for the Colorado Book Award.


by Jean L. Kreiling

Image source: Smith's World

Although he now claims that it’s not what he meant,
he did say it—in words he deems “inelegant”—
so some folks who had each paid a cool fifty grand
heard him press his agenda and outline his stand
on who’s “thoughtful,” who’s not; and share views (a bit blurry)
on what government’s for; and say he wouldn’t worry
about people who couldn’t have managed the fee
to come and enjoy his well-heeled homily.

Then again, who among the dismissed forty-seven
percent could have stomached this high-rollers’ heaven
or would want to be part of this candidate’s crowd?
(And would non-millionaires even have been allowed?)
Well, his backers might have their own worries today—
is it time to withdraw your support, NRA?
His candidacy may not be quite kaput,
but once again, Mitt’s shot himself in the foot.

Jean L. Kreiling's poetry has appeared widely in print and online journals and in anthologies. She was the winner of the 2011 Able Muse Write Prize for Poetry, and has been a finalist for the Dogwood Poetry Prize, the Frost Farm Prize, and the Howard Nemerov Sonnet Award.

Are Vaccines Killing Our Children!

I am honored to be able to share with you some very important information on Hep B vaccine and its toxic affect on children. This article is written by Sinead Dumigan and represents many of my own researched findings that I documented over ten years ago and published in a technical essay entitled, "A Second Thought about Viruses, Vaccines and the HIV/AIDS Hypothesis."

There are two scriptures in the Bible that come to mind as I think about how vaccines are killing us by poisoning and acidifying the delicate alkaline pH of our blood and tissues. The first is: Hosea 4:6 - My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge, and the second, Luke 10:3 - Behold I send you as lambs amongst wolves.

Society has inadvertently witnessed the most gruesome and belligerent attacks imaginable; a massacre of innocence executed with such spite and audacity, yet hidden meticulously by a protected veil of secrecy.

Mandatory vaccination has forever altered the beauty of childhood, but the true deception lies within the ironic twist of events stemming from a parent’s attempts to protect the life of their child. Oblivious to the evil at work, parents follow vaccine stipulations with a blind faith, finding solace only in hearing their children have been spared from the pain and desperation such diseases inflict.

Never before has reality been so critically distorted; with every secret comes a stream of tears. It is too late coming for many, but truth remains the only hope for the future of humanity.

The alleged Hepatitis B virus (HBV) threat to infants is, quite possibly, anew low for the American government, which, in itself, is a difficult task to accomplish, but especially since the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) indicates high risk populations as "sexually active ...adults with more than one sex partner … or have a history of sexually transmitted disease; homosexual or bisexual men; illicit injection drug users … at occupational risk … hemo-dialysis patient … clients and staff of institutions.”

Generally, and with as much sarcasm as can be conveyed, not too many newborns fit any of the profiles mentioned above. Moreover, citizens are given the impression that HBV infections are life threatening, but in all actuality, roughly 50% of those exposed show no symptoms at all; while another 30% experience flu-like symptoms for a few weeks, but both recover entirely and develop lifelong immunity in the process.

The residual 20% of people exposed to HBV may develop jaundice, nausea, abdominal pain, fever, appetite loss, fatigue, itching, or in serious cases, liver cancer or cirrhoses.

Now, of those 20% who do experience these symptoms, 95% will recover completely leaving only 5% as chronic carriers, which, completelycontradicts the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC)statement in 1991, that "1 million-1.25 million persons with chronic HBVinfection in the United States are potentially infectious to others,” alongwith the American Medical Association’s (AMA) 1994 statement that "more than 4,000 people die each year from hepatitis B related liver disease …before … vaccine, over 30,000 children were infected annually”.

In any case, Hepatitis B vaccines (Hep B) have evolved into an acceptedpart of a newborns life, but only when the motives for such arecommendation are exposed can parents truly comprehend the disgrace thatis mandatory inoculation.

In view of pre-mandate data establishing the U.S. had maintained one of thelowest incidence rates of HBV infection (0.1% to 0.5%) for decades,combined with additional information showing a 10% decrease in annuallyreported cases since 1986, officials were well aware that their ploy wouldrequire some serious “encouragement” for it to have any chance of beingaccepted.

Therefore, the CDC preempted impending resistance by issuing a reportwarning the public that an estimated 200,000-300,000 new hepatitis Binfections occurred annually during the period 1980-1991.

Though, what officials failed to mention was that according to the 2001paper, Incidence of Hep B Virus in USA, “national estimates of hepatitis Bincidence are corrected for underreporting using an algorithm that adjustsincidence upward by approximately 6-fold … this item is not amenable tosurvey data collection due to low incidence."

In reality, out of the 3.9 million births in 1996, there were only 54 casesof infant HBV, making the occurrence rate a meager 0.001%; though, as timewould reveal, during the same year, the Vaccine Adverse Event ReportingSystem (VAERS) shows 1,080 infants suffered serious reactions to Hep Binjections, among those are 47 families who will never see their babiesagain because they died.

Nonetheless, the damage had already been done. In 1991, the ACIP of theCDC, along with help from the American Academy of Pediatric (AAP),successfully persuaded state health officials to issue mandates compellingevery child entering daycare or school to show proof they had receivedthree doses of Hep B.

As 1997 came to a close, 35 states had vaccination requirements for school children; yet, prenatal screening, the one sure way to minimize HBVtransmission, was mandated in only 15 states, according to the NationalVaccine Information Center.

Clearly, America’s health was not the driving force behind the calamity of mass vaccination. Organizations such as the Hepatitis B Coalition, Robert Wood JohnsonFoundation, World Health Organization, All Kids Count, Children’s VaccineInitiative, CDC, FDA, state health officials, drug manufacturers, doctors,nurses, and even pharmacists glorified and pushed infant vaccination untilAmericans had been infiltrated lock, stock, and barrel; all in attempts to prevent a condition where infants "represented <10 span="span">

Men - O - Pause is a Condition of an Acidic Lifestyle and Diet

Around the age of 40, a man's reproductive organs begin to be affected by dietary and metabolic acids and become less active.

This results in a decrease of the acidic hormone testosterone (which is a good thing) but a build up of other dietary and metabolic acids from stress and a diet high in protein results in lack of sex drive, impotence, erectile dysfunction, low sperm counts, frequent urination and other frequent side effects such a weight gain around the abdomen, depression and mood swings (which is a bad thing).

During men - o - pause, testosterone, an acidic waste product of reproductive activity drops off dramatically. This does not mean you need more of the acidic hormone testosterone - what you need is less dietary and metabolic acids and improved elimination of these acids through defecation, urination, perspiration and respiration.

A deficiency in alkalinity and especially alkalizing mineral salts, including sodium chloride, magnesium chloride, sodium bicarbonate and potassium bicarbonate, can result in muscle weakness, muscle loss, muscle soreness, weight gain, frequent urination, prostatitis, prostate cancer, erectile dysfunction, low sperm counts, loss of skin elasticity (wrinkles), elevated cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, sclerotic plaque, mood swings, depression and even hot flashes.

This is why I recommend Alkaline Replacement Therapy (ART) to correct the over-acidic condition and warn men of the toxic acidic affects from Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) and its many symptomologies, including cancer.

It is known that alkalinity increases the bones' ability to absorb calcium, reducing the risk of weak bones and osteoporosis and the muscles to absorb magnesium, reducing the risk of muscle loss. Alkalizing mineral salts also lower your risk of heart disease and stroke, which is certainly no small matter, considering that heart disease is the leading kilter of men over age 45.

Many studies show that testosterone supplements can increase the risk of prostate cancer.


Because testosterone is an acidic toxic waste product of glandular function.

Supplementing an acidic hormone like testosterone would be like pumping carbon monoxide into your gas tank. Just as carbon monoxide is an acidic waste product of energy production so testosterone is an acidic waste product of a man's reproduction function and it is toxic to the blood, tissues and organs of the body.

This is making some doctors more conservative about dispensing prescriptions for hormone replacement therapy, particularly to men and/or women who have a family history of reproductive - system cancer.

Many of these high-risk men are successfully using alkaizing mineral salts, herbs, anti-acid nutrients and seed oils instead of testosterone to treat their men -o - pausal symptoms.


Because alkaizing minerals, herbs,  anti-acid nutrients and seed oils are alkalzing buffers of the this acidic hormone, called testosterone.

Even men who are not at high risk for reproductive-system cancers find that alkalizing herbs, mineral salts, anti-acid nutrients and seed oils offer a positive solution to their men -o - pausal woes.

And for many men who do take the acid testosterone, the herbs, alkaline mineral salts, anti-oxidant nutrients and seed oils will allow them to take a lower dose of testosterone or even get off of these toxic acidic hormonal waste products!

The Fabulous Phyto-Nutrients

Many plant phyto-nutrients are alkaline substances or antioxidants in plants that buffer and neutralize the human testosterone acid and protects the male reproductive organs.

In fact, phyto-nutrients have been present in the human diet for thousands of years and is an alkaline source to buffer dietary and metabolic acids, including testosterone or estrogen, especially in midlife and beyond.

Photo-nutrient activity is also known to be found in pomegranate seed oil (CLA).
Recently, researchers have discovered that the pomegranate seed oil (CLA) is one of the richest sources of anti-hormonal compounds.

Animal-based  anti-hormonal compounds are often used to treat symptoms of men -o - pause or menopause, but many men and/or women are reluctant to use these substances.

The pomegranate seed oil buffers the acidic affects of testosterones and estrogens and reduces the negative health symptoms associated with men - o - pause.

I have  found in my own research that alkaline buffers from mineral salts and seed oils can be very helpful in maintaining the alkaline design of a man's body, especially supporting a healthy and active reproductive system.

I recommend an increase in alkaline mineral salts of sodium chloride, sodium bicarbonate, potassium bicarbonate, magnesium chloride and calcium chloride to maintain the alkaline design of a man's body, especially the reproductive system.

For more information on these alkaline mineral salts go to:

I also recommends 3 to 4 grams of pomegranate seed oil (CLA) to help support the male reproductive system and prevent the symptoms associated with male reproductive acidic stress.

Finally, I recommend the amino-acid L-arginine which has been shown to help improve blood and lymph circulation prevent and reversing hypertension, coronary heart dis-ease, hyper-cholesterolemia, and erectile dysfunction.

For more information on Pomegranate Seed Oil (CLA) or L-Arginine go to: or call at: 760-751-8321

Monday, September 17, 2012


by Ed Shacklee

Jamie Dimon - Caricature

I have squared my uncaring behavior
With a prayer to my personal savior
And ensured my coutureremains proper
By retaining a personal shopper.
Now and then, untitled blue collar
Everymen are entitled to holler
If I sack them while looting their pensions,
Which no one who’s courteous mentions:
It’s abhorrent, though, if the poor riot,
As I meant nothing personal by it.

Ed Shacklee is a public defender who represents young people in the District of Columbia.  His poems have appeared in Angle, Contra, The Flea, Shot Glass Journal and Tilt-a-Whirl, among other places.

Sunday, September 16, 2012


by Eric Hagen

Middle Class RIP

It is the reason we lose sleep at night,
the hourly paid, the soon to be laid off,
the single mother who cannot feed her baby,
the pissed off, the raging, the ones who've had enough
the systems broke, it's tough to find time in the day
to keep the lights on with minimum wage

It is the hospital bills because your kid was sick
and now they're going to take your house,
for failure to comply with words like "delocated," "poor" and "down"
"Checks in the mail" and "We don't care that you're already overdrawn"
"We're sorry but you earn too much," you make enough
to pay the bills for medicine, but not enough to keep him fed, it's in
being made to feel like receiving aid will infect you
and all they ask is to tie you to "lazy" and "deadbeat"
because "human" and "fellowship" no longer require
the need to help.

It is what you see cannot be unseen,
the obscene, the cut scenes
of American Idol to keep us docile, rhetoric and hollow
hopes and dreams, some idyllic existence not our own.
When every fiber of your being wants to scream,
but you think you're alone.

You're not alone.

Eric Hagen is in his fourth year at the University of Cincinnati, majoring in English and Middle Grades Education. His works have appeared in Eastfork Literary Journal and Prairie Margins. In his off-time he enjoys hiking and cycling with his wife and two children.


Mammograms and X-Rays May Cause Breast Cancer


Mammograms and X-rays are acidic to the blood and tissues and increases the risk of cancerous breasts in women.

British Engineers Develop An Inexpensive Ultrasound

Now there is available a low cost Ultrasound scanner that detects foetal defects as well as tumors, cysts and stones.

A hand-held scanner, costing as low as sixty dollars and of the size of a computer mouse, if plugged into any computer can reveal vital information about the foetus, liver, thyroid, gallbladder, pancreas and reproductive organs that can save lives of thousands of women, men and children, has been developed by British engineers.

The device, developed at Newcastle University could be a big help to medical teams working in the world’s poorest nations with basic, antenatal information that could save thousands of lives. The device, as big as a computer mouse, works in a similar way to existing ultrasound scanners, using pulses of high frequency sound to build up a picture of the unborn child or a liver tumor on the computer screen, according to a Newcastle statement.

However, unlike the technology used in most hospitals across Britain costing anywhere from 20,000-100,000 pounds, the scanner created by Jeff Neasham and research associate Dave Graham at Newcastle can be manufactured for as little as 30-40 pounds or 50 to 60 dollars.

Tested by experts in the Regional Medical Physics Department at the Freeman Hospital, part of the Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, the scanner produces an output power that is 10-100 times lower than conventional hospital ultrasounds.

“Here in the UK, we take these routine, but potentially lifesaving, tests for granted,” explains Neasham, a sonar expert based in the University’s School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering.

”Imaging to obtain even the simplest information such as the child’s position in the womb or how it is developing is simply not available to women in many parts of the world,” Neasham said.

“We hope the very low cost of this device and the fact that it can run on any standard computer made in the last 10 years means basic antenatal imaging could finally be made available to all women,” Neasham added.

Read more:
 — with DrArthur CiaramicoliDr-Raed Elottol and DrPeter Al Semaani.

Reversing Metastatic Lung Cancer

Lung Cancer Reversal Without Surgery, Radiation or Chemotherapy
The Testimonial of Inger Hartelius

Summer 2011 I went to the doctor for a health check. I’d been feeling tired and had lost a lot of weight. I ended up having an x-ray, to see if there was anything wrong.

They found a spot on my left lung and I was sent for a Biopsy. On the of July 2011 they told me the tumor was cancer and there were traces in the lymphatic system around the area.

I do not smoke and I am known as the person in the family who is very conscious about eating healthy food – so nobody could explain why I’d got lung cancer.

The doctor who’d informed me about the results said I should have radiation and chemo.
After my family and I had received the diagnosis about the spot in my lung we began searching for ways to help cure me without radiation and chemo.

My son and daughter in law had a book “Cancer is not an illness” by Andreas Moritz. Some of my friends gave me the book: “You die from cancer. And the earth is flat”. These books contained a lot of information both about research and peoples experiences from all over the world – including traditional and alternative ways to help people with cancer.

I knew when the diagnosis was given to me that I’d never go into a traditional treatment. I would rather die from the cancer.

The doctor was very surprised.  He’d never had anyone who’d said no to his suggestion. He told me that I’d probably be very, very ill within a year. The nurse who was looking after me after the consultation (because I was crying) advised me to put my life in the hands of the doctors. They knew what the best form of treatment was for me was.

Even though I was prepared I was in shock.

But I was lucky I had my family around me.

My son had heard about Dr. Robert Young and his live blood tests by Anthony Robbins - so after trying to find support in Denmark my daughter decided to write to Dr. Robert Young. We found his ideas about alkaline food combined with the focus on the blood very useful. And we also liked the fact that we could get support from someone who had a tool to look at the constitution of the body instead of focusing on the cancer.

Initially it was our intention to find someone in Europe who was taught by Dr. Young. However we changed our minds. Wednesday the 3rd of August 2011 my daughter wrote an email to Dr. Young, Thursday we got an answer and a phone number and phoned the pH-Miracle Center. Saturday the 6th of August my husband, my daughter, my son, my daughter in law and I arrived at the pH-Miracle Center.

This was the first miracle. Being there was wonderful – though I was in a special state we enjoyed every second at the center. I often thought: “Am I dreaming?” – some days before I’d thought I was going to die. Here I was in Paradise instead of at a hospital. And I became inspired and believed I wasn’t going to die after all from this cancer because I had the power to build a healthy and strong body.

At the same time we all learned about the pH-Miracle lifestyle. How we can keep our blood alive and healthy, how we can eat to keep our pH high, how we can understand why cancer shows up in a body, how we can cook healthy food plus a lot more.

On top of this we were surrounded by caring men and women and happy children – many of them with a personal story about how the pH-Miracle program had changed their lives.
So I left the Ph-Miracle Center believing in and trusting the program.

In Denmark Dr. Pernille Knudtzon who is an ordinary doctor and trained by Dr.Young followed my progress with new blood tests which showed how my blood changed for the better – exactly as Dr. Young had told me it would.

At home I have been:

Eating alkaline food
Drinking 4 liters of Greens, and green milk every day
Exercising every day – running on the beach
Sitting in my infrared sauna
Jumbling on a rebounder
Using a nebulizer
Practicing yoga every week

And to this I have had:

Lymph massage and reflexology and talked with a psychologist and coach nearly every week to keep my mind focused on the positive choice, I have taken.

Sometimes when I feel it is hard work to do all this – I compare this with what I would have experienced if I had radiation and chemo.

My health is now much better than it was before, I sleep at night, my weight is stable, my lung capacity has grown – I feel so much more alive – which is hard to explain.  I have no signs that I’m sick with cancer and now I know I am not going to die of this cancer.

I think about how lucky I am. I have my family around me – supporting me – and my family and I had the chance to learn about this special approach for keeping the body in balance.

I am so grateful that I met Dr. Young and that he had time to support us and teach us about the program of the pH-Miracle.