Saturday, September 22, 2012


While He Roamed Around Preaching

by Earl J. Wilcox

She could have washed his long robes
preparing them for his next excursion

into the hills, the Jewish temples, near
caves and grape vineyards where he preached.

She could have repaired his sandals
the ones he must have worn out many times

from walking and preaching, his favorite
methods of spreading his Gospel. She could

have kept the home fires burning during
the many long nights, days, and years

while her husband was gone from their humble
dwelling place most of his life. She might have

wept with her mother-in-law on a craggy hill
called Golgotha where he was crucified.

Earl J. Wilcox writes about aging, baseball, literary icons, politics, and southern culture. His work appears in more than two dozen journals; he is a regular contributor to The New Verse News. More of Earl's poetry appears at his blog, Writing by Earl.

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