Monday, September 3, 2012


by Gilbert Allen

"Drought causes problems in unlikely place: Wisconsin cow chip throwing competition" —Washington Post headline / AP Photo, August 30, 2012

Hot air has caused the grass to dull
and wither.  Desiccated bulls
have let sparse chips fall where they may.
Amendment Number Two’s—delayed.

Meanwhile, in Tampa, thousands of balloons
rain down to make a colorful monsoon.
WE BUILT IT hangs beside the LED
whose numbers navigate the new Red Sea.

But here in Carolina, cowering in front
of my own screen, I watch the Gulf Coast bear the brunt
of Isaac—acting more like Abraham, or God,
or both, deaf to each other—climate change bent on blood.

Gilbert Allen and his wife, Barbara, frequently exercise their Second Amendment rights while they tend their gardens in Travelers Rest, South Carolina.  Some of his newest poems and stories can be found in Appalachian Heritage, FutureCycle, Measure, Sewanee Theological Review, Shenandoah, The Southern Review, and Tampa Review.

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