Tuesday, September 4, 2012


by Gail White

Image source: RomneyDogOnTheRoof.com

O the middle class is bigger
but the wealthy's wealth is vaster
and the rich will be still richer
if we cut their taxes faster.
No more taxes on their profits,
no inheritance obstructions.
And for those with no investments
we will cut their tax deductions.

Any man on unemployment
is a mere potato coucher.
If he has no health insurance
let him buy it with a voucher.
Vote for Romney, vote for Ryan,
and their cap'talist adventure.
Vote the GOP - the Party
that supports the One Percenter.

Gail White is a formalist poet who has recent work in Raintown Review, First Things, and Per Contra, and work forthcoming in Measure and Mezzo Cammin.  She lives in Breaux Bridge, Louisiana.

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